
correction n.修正,改正;校正;矯正;〔古語〕懲罰;勘誤表,補正。...


Improving china ' s community correction system 試論我國社區矯正法律制度的完善

Disables gamma correction for a specified category 為指定類別禁用灰度校正。

Correction methods for automotive model tests in 2風洞汽車模型試驗的修正方法

How should i make a data access or correction request 我應如何提出查閱資料要求?

The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot 老師將修改意見寫在頁底空白處。

A colour correction method based on the region - speci 色適應的分區顏色校正方法

Study the corrections and edits on your paper 研究訂正之處,并校訂你的文章。

Image geometric correction based on distortion ratio 基于畸變率的圖像幾何校正

The correction was exaggerated during the pring process 印刷過程太矯枉過正。

Reflection on conducting community correction work 關于開展社區矯正工作的幾點思考

T temperature correction coefficient , dates from table 1 T溫度校正系數,由表1查得

Correction does much , but encouragement does more 糾正很有助益,但鼓勵收效更大。

After surgical correction , the course was uneventful 兩列手術修正后病情皆穩定。

This lesion can be lessened by surgical correction 這種損害可通過外科矯治減弱。

An new corrections to the non - classical words in dunhuang ms 敦煌俗別字新考上

Discussion on social workers involved in community correction 社區矯正的比較研究

The composition was scored with corrections in red ink 這篇作文用紅筆批改過。

Nonuniformity correction for irfpa based on dsp 的紅外焦平面陣列非均勻性校正技術

The dictionary is reprinting with minor corrections 這部詞典稍作修改正在重印