
correct adj.正確的;恰當的,合適的;(品行等)端正的。 a ...


A few brave ones try to correct the worst hardships . 有少數英勇的人想法制止最最殘酷的虐待。

We must carry forward our achievements and correct our mistakes . 我們要發揚成績,糾正錯誤。

Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path . 我們的教學改革慢慢上軌道了。

that's absolutely correct . 那是完全對的呀!

That 's the correct thing to do . 這才是正路。

Excess acidity is corrected in the slurry storage tanks . 過量的酸在料漿貯槽中進一步中和。

It is clear that the chosen pattern is not the correct one . 顯然,所選擇的圖式是錯誤的。

That's a hundred percent correct . 那完全正確。

It would not have been correct . 那樣有失端莊。

The results show clearly that this procedure is correct . 事實充分說明這種做法是正確的。

I stand to be corrected . 我講得不對,請予修正。

Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are detected . 錯誤一經發現,就應立即糾正。

The correct answer to the query is “nothing“ . 對這種寒暄應該回答說“沒有什么需要了”。

Such a statement is n't correct . 這種說法不對頭。

Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are discovered . 錯誤一經發覺,就應改正。

She was icily correct this time . 她這次倒很冷靜。

The best way to correct mistakes is to avoid them . 改正錯誤的最好方法就是避免犯錯誤。

We must heed the correct views , and act upon them . 對正確的意見必須聽,并且照它做。

Next week, she intended to correct that omission . 她決意要在下個星期彌補這個過失。