
corral n.〔美國〕畜欄,畜檻;(捕象等用的)柵欄;(用車輛等攔...


Our love is great , for you see you are our family , descendents many “ generations ” away perhaps but those who chose to do some traveling and we are here as shepherds to find you again and to round you up into the corral of our arms and to put you into a safe place for the night 我們的愛是偉大的,如你們所看到的你們是我們的家族中派生出來的許多“代” ,或許只是那些人選擇去旅行而我們如牧羊人那樣再次找到你們,并以我們的雙手與呵護為你們在漫長的夜晚之中為你們提供一個安全的居所。

So that is why there is an “ encierrillo “ each night before the morning run , when the bulls are moved from their enclosure on the far side of the river , up to the small corral at the bottom of santo domingo street where they will spend the night before making the morning run up to the bull ring 所以這就是為什么在早晨路跑前,每晚都有一個獸欄,當牛只在河的遠方把它們的圈里釋放出來時,從圣多明戈街底的小獸欄起,他們會在早晨路跑到斗牛場之前花一晚來建造。

Among the herd of livestock and poultry , there shall be no individual corral for feeding , except the following : sire , young animal or poultry , small - scale rearing , sick , and giving birth ? after the confirmation process has been completed 群飼之畜禽不能個別圈飼,但下列情況除外:種公畜禽、幼畜禽、小規模飼養、生病及分娩等,惟應經過認可。

When a greedy outlaw schemes to take possession of the “ patch of heaven “ dairy farm , three determined cows , a karate - kicking stallion named buck and a colorful corral of critters join forces to save their home 它們得知飲水鎮正懸紅緝拿專偷牛牛的超級壞蛋,于是三只牛牛便帶領動物各施所長,展開一次最牛精的捉賊大行動,誓要奪取賞金!

The court may also annul what mr corral argues was a giveaway of radio spectrum and a provision that allows broadcasting licenses to be renewed more or less automatically 對于科洛爾先生的主張此項修訂案只是對無線電領域的特惠措施并且還是一個許可自動更新廣播許可證的默認法案條款,法院可能同樣會否認這種言論。

The run soon became much shorter also , because as from 1899 , it was decided to bring the bulls up to a small corral in santo domingo street the night before they fight in the ring 路程瞬間縮短了許多,同時由于從一八九九年起,在他們到斗牛場決斗那晚之前,決定把牛只帶到一個在圣多明戈街的小獸欄里。

It is an old chinese fable . an old man lives up on the mountain and he has only two possessions , one horse and one son . one day his horse breaks out of the corral and runs away and is gone 這是一個很古老的比喻,一個來自中國關于人的比喻:有一個住在山上的老人,他擁有兩件東西:一匹馬和一個兒子。

It is early days , but one choice for mr dinallo would be to corral their worst risks in a “ bad bank ” , leaving the rest intact ? and more tightly regulated 在早些時候,迪納克本來有一個選擇,把行業保險機構的風險打包放進“壞銀行” ,留下安全的部分? ?并加強監管。

It can be tempting to corral all the aspects in a system into one module , but most projects will quickly expand to depend on many of the modules in the system 可以嘗試將系統中的所有方面聚集到一個模塊中,但大多數項目將會很快擴展而依賴系統中的許多模塊。

Corral and herding site should be designed to be hygienic and anti - epidemic so as to prevent outbreak and spread of disease . in addition , the space must be adequate 畜禽舍及放牧地應符合防疫衛生條件,以防?疾病之發生及蔓延,并有足夠的活動空間。

“ after watching the spirits trying to corral these two young people together , my attention turned to other spirits making preparations to go to earth 看完這個靈魂如何費心去湊合這兩個年輕人在一起之后,我的注意力便轉向其他準備到地球的靈魂身上。

I took the children on a walk in the woods and , after two hours , i managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son ' s insect cage 我帶孩子們到小樹林里去散步,兩個小時后,我好不容易才逮住一個遲鈍的瓢蟲放進我兒子的蟲籠里。

I took the children on a walk in the woods and , after two hours , i managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son ' s i ect cage 我帶孩子們到小樹林里去散步,兩個小時后,我好不容易才逮住一個遲鈍的瓢蟲放進我兒子的蟲籠里。

The basic idea is that it is a way of getting the bulls into the bull - ring from whatever kind of corral or enclosure they are being kept in 最簡單的想法是無論它們待在哪種的獸欄或牛圈里,這是種讓牛進到斗牛場的方式。

To control the crowds , police built a massive corral the size of two or three football fields around the train station plaza 為了控制人群,武警部隊在火車站廣場前的建起了一個大大的圍欄,有兩到三個足球場大。

Like horses leaving a corral , it takes time for the released threads to be scheduled by the operating system and to resume execution 如同讓馬離開馬棚一樣,操作系統需要時間來安排釋放的線程并讓它們恢復執行。

Method , threads that wait on the event handle proceed immediately without blocking . a manual reset event acts like the gate of a corral 方法便可以重置它,從而使在該事件句柄上等待的線程立即繼續而不受阻止。

Rooms , byres , corrals , wells , mills , and other places important in the farmer s life are decorated with midsummer herbs 房間、牛欄、畜欄、水井、磨房,以及其它農夫生活中重要的地方都被裝飾上仲夏草木。

Corral , where wyatt earp , his brothers and their friend doc holliday had a fatal shootout with a group of cowboys 當時懷雅特.厄普、他的兄弟以及他們的同黨道克.豪樂迪和一伙牛仔之間發生了致命的交火。