
corrade vt.,vi.【地質學;地理學】(流水、冰川等的)磨蝕,...


( 7 ) rainfalls can “ deposit “ the co2 in air , making it to take part in the process of karst , to dissolve and corrade carbonate rock . co2 concentration in soil become lower after heavy rainfall and become higher after general rainfall . ( 8 ) the value of chemical characteristic of soil water in the high elevation area is lower than that in the low elevation area ( 7 )降雨可以對coz產生影響, “沉淀”大氣中的co : ,使其參與到巖溶作用中,溶蝕碳酸鹽巖;降雨對土壤空氣中coz的影響與雨強、雨量有關,降雨量、雨強較大時,土壤空氣中的c02產生受到抑制,降雨量和雨強較小時,土壤空氣中的coz濃度升高。

In han culture circle there seems no such weapon with complex pattern on steel , especially in early time . moreover , how to add that pattern ? carve ? corrade 漢文化圈里好象不會出現這種在鋼鐵上有復雜花紋的兵器,特別是早期。而且,那個花紋是如何弄上去的,鏨刻?腐蝕?

Some metals , such as cobalt , nickel , chrome and so on , can corrade the element in high temperature melting state and affect the service life of element 部分金屬如鈷、鎳、鉻等在高溫熔化狀態可以對元件造成侵蝕,影響元件的壽命。