
corpuscle n.小體,細胞;【物理學】微粒,粒子。 blood co...


Sanqi ( panax notoginseng ) has good effect of stops bleeding , can obviously reduce hemorrhage and hemoglutination time ; can promote each kind of blood corpuscle fission to grow , increase number , has the remarkable blood tonic effect ; has obvious curative effect of activate blood and disperses petechia , get rid of petechia and come into being fresh 三七具有良好的止血功效,能明顯縮短出血和凝血時間;能促進各類血細胞分裂生長、增加數目,具有顯著補血功效;具有活血化瘀、去瘀生新的明顯療效。

In the case of 8 interaction potential , because the range of action is very small , the influence that the energy levels are suffered by the tunneling effect is smaller than that of the nonzero distance interaction ; the system ca n ' t manifest the chaotic character . the conclusion shows that the wave - corpuscle duality and the tunneling effect can make t 在占勢作用時,雖然也有勢壘隧穿ll . j影響,但是由于作用勢存在的范圍很小,量子系統的能級受到的影響t匕非零距離作用勢時小得多,所以不會出現goe的統計分布。

In this paper , computer techniques and images process techniques are used to detect and extract the renal corpuscles in kidney images automatically , which facilitates the subsequent analysis to the renal corpuscles and relevant data acquisition and also has a great significance in liberating manpower , saving time , reducing misdiagnoses ratio and researching causation of kidney diseases by using of biopsy techniques 本論文的研究主要利用了計算機技術和圖像處理技術把腎臟組織切片中的腎小球組織自動檢測提取出來,方便了對腎小球后期的分析和得出相關數據,這也將會對于解放人力,節省時間,減少誤診率以及對利用腎活檢技術對腎臟發病機制的研究都具有重要的意義。

The result does not accord with the corresponding relation between the classical and the quantum . in quantum mechanics , because the particle has wave - corpuscle duality , the particle can tunnel the potential barrier which is higher than its energy 這說明我們普遍認為的經典可積量子也可積的觀點在有些情況下并不適用,之所以會出現這個結果,與量子力學中粒子具有波粒二象性有很大關系,粒子的波動性使它能夠貫穿高度大于它自身能量的勢壘。

The medical micrograph analyzing system is an image processing system for physic research and clinical medical diagnosis and it is applied to many aspects , such as analyzing blood corpuscle , chromosome , pathology , semen and so on 醫學顯微圖像分析系統是一種用于醫學研究和臨床醫療診斷的圖像處理系統,它可被廣泛應用于血細胞分析、染色體分析、病理分析、精液分析、尿沉渣分析等等各個方面。

After the processes above , the renal corpuscles with regular shapes are extracted successfully and also the renal corpuscles with irregular shapes are located in their existing areas of the kidney images 經過這些方法的處理之后,成功的提取出了圖像中規則形態的腎小球組織,并且對于不規則形態的腎小球組織給予了其所在局部區域的定位。

Haematology - determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - part 1 : blood collection , sample preparation , biological influence factors , interference factors 血液學.血球濃度測定.第1部分:采血試樣制備生物

Haematology - determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - part 4 : reference procedure for the determination of the concentration of leucocytes 血液學.血液血細胞濃度測定.第4部分:白細胞濃度測定

By studying on renal corpuscle “ s extraction , i have a deep understanding to recognition techniques of medical images 通過對腎小球組織提取的課題研究,使得本人對醫學圖像的識別技術有了更加深入的理解。

Haematology - determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - part 2 : characteristic quantities for erythrocytes erythrocyte indices 血液學.血液中血細胞濃度的測定.第2部分:紅細胞特征

Relationships between cr1 genomic density polymorphism on red cell and blood corpuscle innate immune activity in patients with ovarian carcinoma 1密度相關基因組多態性與血細胞天然免疫活性相關性研究

Haematology ; determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood ; determination of the concentration of erythrocytes ; reference method 血液學.血液中血球濃度的測定.紅血球濃度的測定.第3

According to the extraction of renal corpuscle tissues , recognition techniques of medical images are studied in this paper 本論文主要針對腎小球組織的提取對醫學圖像的識別技術進行了研究。

From the blood corpuscle count we can see that the ill man ' s red corpuscles of the blood are not enough for his healthy need 從血球計算中我們可以看出這個病人的紅血球不能滿足身體的需要。

Know thyself , then , to be as a corpuscle , as a facet , as a characteristic , as a love , in the body of god 知道你自己在上帝的身體里成為一個微粒、一個小面、一種特性、一點愛。

Study on minimum dimension of nano - kaolinite corpuscle and approach to nano - kaolinite preparation 高嶺石最小納米尺度研究及其納米化方法探討

White blood corpuscle 白血球?白

Use the agglutinate law directly to detect the red blood corpuscles mn phe - notype 運用直接凝集法檢測紅細胞mn表型。

Red corpuscle diluting pipet 紅細胞稀釋吸管