
corpulent adj.肥胖的。adv.-ly


Remark or should it be called an interruption ? that an omnivorous being which can masticate , deglute , digest and apparently pass through the ordinary channel with pluterperfect imperturbability such multifarious aliments as cancrenous females emaciated by parturition , corpulent professional gentlemen , not to speak of jaundiced politicians and chlorotic nuns , might possibly find gastric relief in an innocent collation of staggering bob , reveals as nought else could and in a very unsavoury light the tendency above alluded to 斯迪達勒斯先生神學懷疑論者發表意見或者應該說是插話道,患黃疽癥的政治家和害萎黃病的尼姑自不用說,由于分娩而衰弱的女癌癥患者和從事專門職業的胖紳士總是咀嚼形形色色的食品,下咽,消化,并以絕對的沉著使其經過通常的導管。

On the other hand , with the development of the inland river shipping , the scale of the inland river ship and fleet become more and more huge , especially for those huge fleet which can be look on as corpulent ship with shallow draught . to ensure the security of the navigation , the special maneuverability is needed for them to passing through the bridge safely 另外,隨著內河航運事業的發展,內河船舶和分節頂推船隊的規模越來越大,特別是編隊龐大的頂推船隊,可以視為淺吃水的肥大船型,為保證航行安全,特別是順利通過大橋,對其操縱性也有特殊的要求。

The resolution not only constitutes temporary criterio n to ship ' s maneuverability , but also puts forward to adopting math model to prediction of computer calculation in design phase . in addition , with development of the inland river shipping project , the scale of the inland river ship and fleet becomes more and more huge , especially for those hvge fleet which can be look on as corpulent ship with shallow draught . to ensure the security of the navigation , the special maneuverability is needed for them to passing through the bridge safely 該決議在制定了船舶操縱性標準的同時,還提出在設計階段可采用數學模型進行計算機仿真預報來作為驗證符合標準的依據。另外,隨著內河航運事業的發展,內河船舶和分節頂推船隊的規模越來越大,特別是編隊龐大的頂推船隊,可以視為淺吃水的肥大船型,為保證航行安全,特別是順利通過大橋,對其操縱性也有特殊的要求。

I was stepping onto the subway , disappointedly there were no seats properly empty for me , but all of a sudden , one vacant seat came into my view , meanwhile , a corpulent woman with a comparatively botchy face who was near to the empty seat was also seen by me 當我跨入地鐵,很失望,沒有適當的位子為我空著,突然間,一個空位闖入了我的視線,同時,我看見了一名肥頭大耳、一張比較笨手笨腳的面孔的婦女與那空位相近。

She was a big woman , in stature almost equalling her husband , and corpulent besides : she showed virile force in the contest - more than once she almost throttled him , athletic as he was 她是大個子女人,腰圓膀粗,身材幾乎與她丈夫不相上下。廝打時顯露出男性的力量,盡管羅切斯特先生有著運動員的體質,但不止一次險些兒被她悶死。

Kutuzov , with his grey head hanging , and his heavy , corpulent frame sunk into a heap , was sitting on a bench covered with a rug , in the same place in which pierre had seen him in the morning 庫圖佐夫垂著白發蒼蒼的頭,放松沉重的身子,坐在鋪著毯子的長凳上,也就是坐在皮埃爾早晨看見的地方。

Sports health education and ex - curricular activities improve corpulent undergraduates ' physical culturai quality , body function and mental quality 摘要通過體育健康教育和課外干預使高校肥胖大學生體育文化素質、身體的機能得到了提高,心理素質較體育干預前明顯改善。

Call him , call him here ! kutuzov sat with one leg out of bed and his unwieldy , corpulent body propped on the other leg bent under him 庫圖佐夫坐了起來,他的一條腿從床上搭拉下來,他那肥大的肚皮歪著放在另一條蜷縮起來的大腿上。

In general the fatter subjects slept about 1 . 8 hours a week less than those with normal weights . “ americans experience insufficient sleep and corpulent bodies 總體上,較胖的被調查對象比體重正常者每周約少睡1 . 8小時。

He was a large and corpulent individual , surfeited with good clothes and good eating , who judged women as another would horseflesh 他是個高大而肥胖的人,穿得好,吃得好,鑒別女人就像別人鑒別馬匹一樣。

Since prince andrey had seen him last kutuzov had grown stouter and more corpulent than ever ; he seemed swimming in fat 自從安德烈公爵上次看見庫圖佐夫之后,他變得更胖了,面皮松弛,浮腫。

At the side of the road , a tall and corpulent monk , with large eyes and awesome look , was plowing a field 路邊的田里,有一個身材魁偉健壯的喇嘛,生就一雙大眼睛,目光炯炯地在那兒鋤地。

In this paper , researches of corpulent - reducing function of tea and its mechanism have been summarized 本文綜述了近年來國內外關于茶葉減肥方面的研究,并簡單闡述了茶葉減肥的作用機理。

The electronic giant ( 三星 ) was then a corpulent also - ran , burdened by debt , and a dowdy brand image 這位電子行業的巨人當時機構臃腫,舉步維艱,負債累累,臭名遠揚。

The intervening effect in corpulent college undergraduates ' physical and mental education 高校肥胖大學生身心健康與體育健康教育干預效應的研究

A research on physical and cultural quality of the college corpulent students 淺談大學生自我心理保健能力的培養

I had expected that mr. gatsby would be a florid and corpulent person in his middle years . 我本來以為蓋茨比先生是個紅光滿面,肥頭大耳的中年人。