
corpse n.1.尸體。2.行尸走肉;沒有活動力的人。vt.〔俚語...

corpse candle

- thought so . - these aren ' t normal corpses -我想也是. -這些不是普通的尸體

- in what trade ? - corpse collectors , bone grinders -做什么貿易? -收集尸體,研磨骨頭

Lacan : symbolic language - as a corpse of existence 作為存在之尸的象征性語言

In what trade ? - corpse collectors , bone grinders 做什么貿易? -收集尸體,研磨骨頭

Of our own jubiliciously lovely corpse bride 是關于我們喜悅又可愛的僵尸新娘

Blood was still flowing from his corpse 鮮血還在繼續從他的尸體中汩汩流出。

The corpse will make almost everyone start back 死尸會使幾乎每個人向后退。

Each part of a corpse decays at a different speed 尸體的每個部分腐爛的速度都不同

And they get turned on by fucking corpses , remember that 他們看見尸體就興奮,記著

This is a symbol of the saint meal of christ ' s corpse 這是象征耶穌尸體的圣餐

The corpse could ' ve easily come out from the snow bank 不然尸體很容易從雪堆里出來

Why do you ask “ where “ ? don ' t step on the corpses 為什么問“哪里“ ,別再盯著軍團了

I will require photographic evidence of his corpse , 我要他死尸的照片作為證據

The ashes that remain after cremation of a corpse 骨灰尸體火化后留下來的灰燼

S . they deposited the supposed corpse on the bier 他們把所謂的死人放到了擔架上。

- he iooks well - fed ! - but where are the corpses -他看起來很強壯-但是軍團在哪里?

Soldiers ' corpses are wrapped in a bloody people ' s flag 國旗包裹著戰士的尸體

Man 2 ) unburied human corpses are returning to life . . 未下葬的死尸又活了過來

A heavy - duty bag that is used to contain a corpse 一種結實的用來裝運尸體的袋子。