
corporeality n.肉體的存在;有形[有體]狀態;肉身;〔戲謔語〕身體。


Retty put her hands upon tess s shoulders , as if to realize her friend s corporeality after such a miracle , and the other two laid their arms round her waist , all looking into her face 萊蒂把她的手放在苔絲的肩上,想檢驗一下在經過這種奇跡之后,她的朋友是不是還有肉體的存在,另外兩個姑娘用手摟著她的腰,一起看著她的臉。

The david is easier to see , and more obviously imposing , but the process of idealization has robbed him of some of his corporeality 《大衛》看起來比較簡單,更有一種逼人的氣勢,但他在被人們理想化的過程中失掉了一些生命的真實感。