
corporeal adj.肉體的;物質的 (opp. spiritual)...


Assessment to brezhnev ’ s diplomatic strategy . enlightenment to other socialism countries firstly the thesis states the theoretical foundation of brezhnev ’ s diplomatic strategy that is the world revolution . and then states the corporeal basis of brezhnev ’ diplomatic strategy from the view of economic development and military power 論文首先論述了勃列日涅夫時期蘇聯外交戰略形成的理論依據? ?世界革命戰略,并從蘇聯的經濟發展和軍事實力的增長兩方面闡述了這一時期蘇聯外交戰略形成的物質前提。

Including the relatively simple rule of corporeal motion in each new course , but always also a few cannot use what will explain with the course that go to , more special new law , resemble us cannot sheet explains with physics and chemical knowledge biology is same , the knowledge that also cannot use a neurophysiology completely will explain psychology 在每一個新的學科中都包含著物質運動的較為簡單的規律,但也總有一些無法用以往的學科來解釋的、更為非凡的新規律,就像我們不能單用物理和化學的知識來解釋生物學一樣,也不能完全用神經生理學的知識來解釋心理學。

The object pattern of this reconstruction is to substitute the formal one thing one right principle and the plane structure of real rights theory with the virtue principle and the solid structure , to separate the abstract real rights that indicate the attribution of the thing from the material real rights that indicate the content of the disposal , to acknowledge the phenomena of value split , intention split and effectiveness split , to abstract the general rules applied to the dominative power of property , to unify the domination of corporeal and incorporeal into the system of real rights 物權理論結構必須重塑。重塑的目標模式是用實質的一物一權主義替代形式的一物一權主義,用立體的物權理論結構代替平面的物權理論結構。將表示物的歸屬的抽象所有權與表示支配內容的具體所有權分離,承認物權的價值分裂、目的分裂、效力分裂的現象,提煉出適用于財產支配權的一般規則,將有體物和無體物的支配統一到物權制度之中。

In practice , can regard company worth as safe mark have the following kinds : ( 1 ) belong to enterprise itself all or what be shared with other person and keep by this enterprise is corporeal belongings ; ( 2 ) by business management of enterprise or the tangible worth that keep for other ; ( 3 ) the tangible worth that other has jural approbatory and enterprise to have economic interests 實踐中,可作為企業財產保險的標的有以下幾種: ( 1 )屬于企業本身所有或與其它人共有而由該企業保管的有形財產; ( 2 )由企業經營治理或替他人保管的有形財產; ( 3 )其它具有法律上承認的與企業有經濟利害關系的有形財產。

Finally , many problems which exist in the collocation of educational resources in gansu ' s senior high schools were summarized through that comparison . in the third part , the author commits himself to analyzing reasons leading to the said problems in four aspects : the development of senior high schools , human resources , corporeal resources and financial resources . generally speaking , there are fours kinds of reasons which bring on problems of resources collocation in senior high schools in gansu 第三部分,針對普通高中教育資源配置中存在的問題,從普通高中學校發展、人力資源、財力資源、物力資源四個層面分析了問題產生之原因:一是普通高中在發展上缺乏計劃性;二是人力資源流失多、配置不合理、開發力度不夠、重讀現象普遍;三是地方財政支持不力、經費籌措體制不健全、收費管理久規范、城鄉配置不均衡;四是各學校在硬件設施配置與管理上重外觀、輕內囊,重購置、輕使用,設施配置起點低。

Based on the analysis of research behavior characteristic , this paper focuses on several aspects of the design of research and innovation center from architectural level , and then points out that the most important proposition that the architects face on is how to create immaterial innovation environment by means of corporeal measure 摘要在分析研發行為特徵的基礎上,從建筑設計層面探討了科技園研發中心設計的幾個方面,指出如何用物質的手段來營造非物質創新網路秩序是擺在建筑師面前的主要命題之一。

The construction of traditional theory on real rights is based on the formal regularity of the principle of “ one thing , one right “ , its main characteristic is the oneness of the object ( corporeal ) and the oneness of the right ( ownership ) 4 、一物一權主義原則分為形式的規定性和實質的規定性。形式的規定性一般表述為:在一物之上只能存在一個所有權,物權只能在一物之上成立,不能在物的組成部分上以及物的集合上成立一個物權。

Mining industry authority evaluates an object to include prospect authority and mining right , but no matter be , mining counterpoises , the corporeal carrier of the core that its evaluate is valuable ore body ( geological body ) the reserves of the different level of place correspondence 礦業權評估對象包括探礦權和采礦權,但無論是探礦權還是采礦權,其評估的核心的物質載體是有價值的礦體(地質體)所對應的不同級別的儲量。

Yet clare s love was doubtless ethereal to a fault , imaginative to impracticability . with these natures , corporeal presence is sometimes less appealing than corporeal absence ; the latter creating an ideal presence that conveniently drops the defects of the real 由于這些天性,有時候他愛的人在他的面前倒不如不在他的面前更令他感動不在他的面前,他可以創造出一個理想的人來,從而把真實的缺點消除了。

The role of extracorporeal circulation : to completely or partly replace cardiac function , to maintain blood pressure and tissue perfusion ; ertro corporeal membrane oxygenation : can completely or partly replace pulmonary function to hae pulmonary resting and restoring 18體外循環功能:替代或部分替代心臟功能,維持血壓和組織灌流;膜肺功能:可替代或部分替代肺的功能,給肺一個休息和恢復的時間

This is the insurance agent with insurance certain way and insurance broker professional work of conduction insurance representative is safe perhaps the basic corporeal requirement that manager business must have , with the legal obligation that must fulfil 這是保險法確定的保險代理人和保險經紀人辦理保險代理業務或者保險經紀業務必須具備的基本的物質條件,和必須履行的法定義務。

I do hate the aristocratic principle of blood before everything , and do think that as reasoners the only pedigrees we ought to respect are those spiritual ones of the wise and virtuous , without regard to corporeal paternity 我的確痛恨血統高于一切的貴族原則,也的確認為,作為一個理性的人,我們應該尊重的血統只能是那些有理性有道德的人的精神血統,與祖先的血統毫無關系。

Project of three dimension intuitionistic and corporeal design is bringed forward about structure of the long piled wharf in a question for discussion . it have some applied value that evaluating engineering and structure about the high - pile wharf 課題成果為碼頭結構設計提供一種直觀、有形的三維設計解決方案,對高樁碼頭設計的工程和結構評價等具有一定的應用價值。

King hu s martial artistry , on the other hand , starts with the corporeal and progresses into the sublimated , ethereal incorporeal . this transcendence from the physical to the metaphysical is the ultimate chinese cultural ideal 相反,胡金銓武俠則從肉體武功開始,進而追求超脫肉體局限的飄逸與空靈,企圖從形而下升入形而上,這是中國傳統文化向往的進境。

The events for years were impressed on the old trees , the whole corporeal world is running and renewed . only you are eternal , monumental music . flute can makes one s heart largo as the sea , and it is our deep soul 歲月鐫刻在老去的樹身上,整個有形的世界都在消耗更新。不朽的音樂,惟有你常在。長笛能使人心胸似海洋,長笛是我們深邃的靈魂。

Olfactory sensitivity of the mankind is very tall , but every rise smell out the 4 in air the loses square milligram 5 times man - made muskiness of 10 , can discern 2000 differ 4000 kinds corporeal odour 人類的嗅覺敏感性很高,可嗅出每升空氣中4 10的負5次方毫克的人造麝香,并能辨別2000 4000種不同物質的氣味。

Martin eden , the famous writer , was a vapor that had arisen in the mob - mind and by the mob - mind had been thrust into the corporeal being of mart eden , the hoodlum and sailor . but it couldn t fool him 可那著名的作家馬丁伊登卻是從群氓心理產生的一團迷霧,是由群氓心理硬塞進流氓和水手馬伊登的臭皮囊里去的。

The first intrusion is corporeal , as in the illegally obtained heart transplant . the second , more abstract idea concerns the west , its former colonies , the past and the present 丹妮的故事當然不會按部就班發展,夢境、預感、一切寫實與非寫實的筆觸,全都是敘事的元素,拼在一起豐富得非筆墨所能形容。

However , knowing of his tremendous power , the sentinel granted him a corporeal form within the phtsical realm in exchange for his alliance aganist the scourge onslaught 然而鐵衛軍知道他的能為強大,以賦予他能駐留于實境的肉身作為交換條件,向他要求協助以抵抗天譴軍的進犯。