
corporative adj.法人(團體)的,團體的,全體的。

corporative state

In general the listed firms in china are transformed from state - owned large and medium - sized enterprises , so state - owned share and corporative share are higher proportion in listed companies “ equity structure . the big shareholders such as state - owned share and corporative share need to employ a agent to exercise the right of shareholder in the listed companies , represent , that form the first layer of trust - agent relationship . the second relationship of agency is between shareholder meeting and board of directors . the 3rd level of the relationship of agency is between board of directors and manager layer 我國上市公司一般是由國有大中型企業改制而成,國家股、法人股在上市公司股權結構中占有較高比重,國家股、法人股股東需要雇傭代理人來行使上市公司股東的權利,這形成我國上市公司內部的第一層次的委托代理關系,第二層次是股東大會與董事會之間的關系,董事會與經理層之間則形成了我國上市公司內部的第三層次委托代理關系。

This thesis tries to introduce the concept of supply chain management into retailing enterprises in order to reexamine closely the relationship between retailers and suppliers , analyses , from the view of transaction costs and value chain , the theoretical foundations of strategic corporate partnership between retailers and suppliers and discuss corporative patterns between retailers and suppliers . using the advanced theory and experience of other countries , this thesis induces four relatively typical corporative patterns 本文試圖在零售企業引入供應鏈管理理念,對零售商和供應商的供需關系進行重新審視,從交易費用和價值鏈的角度分析了零售商和供應商建立基于供應鏈管理的戰略合作伙伴關系的理論基礎,并對零售商和供應商基于供應鏈管理的合作方式進行了一定的探討,借鑒了國外零售商和供應商合作的先進理論和經驗,歸納總結出四種比較典型的合作方式。

Our corporation had met all kinds of problems during implementing the 360 - degree feedback appraisal . it is closely related whether the intention is proper and corporative culture is adaptable , furthermore , whether the propagate and training are sufficient before implementation and the performance communication & feedback is serious after implementation and performance ameliorative plan is corresponding 我國企業在實施360度反饋評估中遇到了種種問題,這與企業的使用目的是否恰當,企業文化是否適應,以及實施前是否作好了充分的宣傳與培訓,以及在實施后是否認真進行了績效溝通與反饋,并擬定了相應的績效改進計劃等都存在密切的關系。

Basing on this , the author have made a discussion on several typical cases of deciding th e corporative criminal combining with his judging practice . he even has given some ideas and suggestions on perfecting the law , since there are certain drawbacks in the criminal law , so that people can solve some of the problems when deciding the subject of the corporative criminality 并在此基礎上,結合刑事司法實踐,有針對性地對單位犯罪主體在認定上的幾類典型情況進行了認真探討和分析,甚至對我國現行刑法中有關單位犯罪主體規定的某些缺陷與不足,提出了一些立法完善方面的思考與建議。

The multicampus university is the one that has an independent and corporative position and at least has two campuses which do n ' t join in geography . how to carry out all kinds of work efficiently is a new topic because this kind of university is big in scale , complex in structure and campuses do n ' t usually join together with each other 在我國,多校區大學是指具有一個獨立法人地位、有至少兩個在地理位置上不相連的校園的大學。由于這類大學一般規模比較大、組織結構復雜,而且校區往往不相連接,如何高效的開展各項工作是高等教育領域中一個嶄新的研究課題。

Secondly , it pays great attention to the training of staff s business and personal quality , advocates team cooperation and develops the corporative culture , so as to serve customers better . meanwhile , it calls for good communication between china and japan , which means using an internationalized view to deal with transnational operations , actively develop the communication on culture , management and personnels between china and japan , and build a multiplex and internationalized group . the global management concept just perfectly shows the soul of the new commerce 漁夫碼頭把青島古老的漁民文化與現代文化相結合,使漁民有了更好的作業環境,增加了游客對古老文化的回味在豐厚的歷史文化中,漁民文化將是最讓人懷古的,一個小漁港,一排別具特色的小旅館,長長的板道街兩側是酒吧和咖啡廳,座座漁家小樓,那是青島吃海鮮的最佳去處。

In back ground age of the electric power system reforms , the company must escape from the sponsor subsidiary and approaching market . the remold tenors are “ the equities is clear , the power is clear and definite , business function split , management science “ corporative entity and market principal of independence management and sole responsibility for one ' s own profit or losses . the modern business system gradually builds that match the system of market economy call 、論文研究的目標就是一家電力多經企業市場化改革問題, ts公司是一家電力多經企業,長期依靠主辦單位扶持維持生存,企業不具有市場競爭力,在電力體制改革的時代背景下,該公司必須脫離主辦單位的附屬,走向市場,改造成為“產權清晰、權責明確、政企分開、管理科學”自主經營、自負盈虧的法人實體和市場主體,逐步建立起符合市場經濟體制要求的現代企業制度。

Although it is ordained in the criminal law that companies , enterprises , offices and organizations can be sentenced to subject criminals , yet not a restriction has been given , which caused arguments in the criminal law theories world and difficulties in judging , since our country is in a special period of market economics , their organizational forms and internal constructions are variegated . now according to individual criminality theories and corporative criminality theories , by comparing , the author have done some deep research into the definition of subject criminal and the conditions to be a corporative criminal , especially into its extent and structure 雖然我國刑法典采用列舉的方式規定公司、企業、事業單位、機關、團體可以成為單位犯罪主體,但是,由于我國正處于市場經濟的特殊轉型時期,各種單位的組織形式、內部結構復雜多樣,立法沒有對單位應當具備什么條件才能成為犯罪主體作出具體規定,造成了刑法理論界的爭議和司法認定上的困難,筆者借鑒自然人犯罪主體理論和法人犯罪理論,采用比較研究的方法,系統研究了我國單位犯罪主體的定義及構成要件,尤其對單位犯罪的主體范圍和主體結構進行了較深入的研究。

In the end , the paper brings forward some countermeasures according to the problems in the system of agricultural policy finance , which are establishing financial enterprise corporative status of agricultural development bank of china accurately , proposing deepen the system reform of agricultural development bank of china , speeding up the reform of state - owned foodstuff enterprises , adjusting and perfecting the system and policy about foodstuff and foodstuff safety , and strengthening the supporting and serving measures of agricultural policy finance in the practice period 最后針對我國農業政策性金融體制存在的根本問題,提出完善我國農業政策性金融體制改革的對策:正確確立中國農業發展銀行的金融企業法人地位,有計劃、有步驟地深化中國農業發展銀行的體制改革,加快國有糧食企業的改革,調整和完善國家糧食安全體系和糧食政策以及加強農業政策性金融活動的配套服務。

On the road to tourism enterprise group , the first thing is separating tourism corporations from the government branches and reforming them into companies ( limited company or stock company ) that are independent corporative entity and can deploy resource allodium through the market 我們日汕的胃要任務足將旅游企業從政府各部門剝離出去,并進行股份制的改造,使旅游企業成為獨立的法人實體和自主的市場競爭的主體,使他們能自主地通過市場機制來配置資源。

Thus , dss based on data warehouse integrates many kinds of information disposal technology , data warehouse technology , data mining technology and olap technology included . it is a new form of dss and a perfect system assisting corporative administrators with correct decision made 這樣,基于數據倉庫的決策支持系統集成了數據倉庫、數據挖掘、聯機分析處理等多種信息處理技術,是一種新形式的決策支持系統,是輔助企業管理者做出正確決策的理想系統。

In our country , the sino - foreign corporative education , has a ten years of development period . and with the promulgation of sino - foreign corporative education regulation and the enactment of other relevent laws , the sino - foreign corporative education sections are going along with the normative ways 在我國,中外合作辦學已經有了十幾年的發展歷程,并隨著《中外合作辦學暫行規定》以及其他有關管理條令的頒布,開始步入規范化辦學的軌道。

This article analyzes the main characteristics of forest corporative system and its present situation of development , and then , on the basis this analysis , discusses the reference of forest cooperative system for improving share - holding integrated tenure system in southern collective forestry of china 文章分析了森林組合的主要特征及其發展現狀的特點,在此基礎上,探討了森林組合制度對我國南方集體林業股份合作制改善的借鑒作用。

In the background of the corporative project between zhujiang steel l . t . d and guangzhou machine sience research institute , the paper researches on the spectral analysis technology of oil . and the result is applied to judging equipment acute wear and wear place 本文以珠江鋼鐵公司和廣州機械科學研究院合作的項目為背景,研究了油液監測技術中發射光譜數據的分析問題,并將研究成果運用到設備劇烈磨損判別和磨損部位識別的應用中。

China would spend 5 - 10 years on the prevalence of the information technology curriculum in elementary school and high school from 2001 . thus , students will attempt more new study manners , for exemple , research study , independent study , corporative study and so on 我國從2001年開始用5 ? 10年的時間,在中小學普及信息技術教育。信息技術教育的普及,會使學生更多地嘗試新的學習方式,比如:研究性學習、自主學習、協作性學習等。

To the end of 2000 year , every scientific research organization brought into the scope to change the system , under the total request and concrete deployment of the nation , the business enterprise have , became to the independent body having the economic corpus and the corporative entity 到2000年底,凡是被納入改制范圍的科研機構在國家的總體要求和具體部署下,同所有的企業一樣,成為了具有獨立身份的經濟主體和法人實體。

Under normal conditions , the corporative property is independent , and the liability is independent , further more the property independence is a premise and basis of the liability property . by virtue of the layer of “ veil “ , the shareholder can be avoided of being charged by creditors 在正常情況下,公司的財產獨立、責任獨立,而且財產獨立是責任獨立的前提和基礎,公司通過這層“面紗”保護股東免受債權人追索。

Only under the models of corporative management , mechanism of professional and organizing the agencies with clean productive right , normal corporation and scientific management , can we adapt the demand of the development of the bill business 只有在機構定位上推行公司化運營模式,經營機制上實行專業化、規模化、集約化經營,建立產權清晰、運營規范、管理科學的票據專營機構,才能適應票據業務發展的要求。

Education aim of the college is to get students prepared for self - learning and independent thinking . we provide students with basic courses with hands - on laboratory course of various disciplines as well as opportunities for extramural visits to corporative companies 本院教學目標在于培養具有自我學習及思考能力的全方位生命科學人才,特色為注重扎實訓練、校外實習及產學連系。