
corporation n.1.團體;協會,公會;法人;(市)自治體。2.〔美國...

corporation aggregate

This act has had the effect of great inhibiting vertical and horizontal mergers of large corporations . 這個法令對阻止大公司的縱向和橫向的合并有巨大的作用。

Half of dozen sponsors had pledged more than $ 300, 000 to back the human resources corporation . 六個贊助者擔保了三十萬元以上的數目來支持人力資源公司。

“system“ might well be compared to the research and development activity in a manufacturing corporation . “管理系統”和制造業的研究與開發活動很相似。

No representative of labor had ever sat on the board of a major american corporation . 在這以前,沒有任何一個勞工代表參加過一家美國的大公司的董事會。

In england he had seized a great mining corporation without investing a shilling . 在英國,他沒有投資一個先令,居然把一家規模宏大的采礦公司弄到了手。

United states antitrust legislation prohibits corporations from dominating or monopolizing an industry . 美國反托拉斯法禁止公司控制或壟斷一項工業。

The seminar was expanded to include representatives from a dozen giant corporations . 這項研究課程已經大加擴充,有十幾家大公司的代表參加學習。

It receives financial support from the government, some private corporations and individual donations . 它是靠政府,私人公司或個人贈款資助的。

Wilson lashed out at roosevelt's proposals for social legislation and control of corporations . 威爾遜痛斥羅斯福社會立法和控制大公司的建議。

Most of this resistance is a direct consequence of criticism of multinational corporation . 這種抵制大部分是由于對跨國公司的批評直接引起的。

Some corporations pay out most of their profits in the form of dividends to their stockholders . 有些公司以股息的形式把大部分利潤分給股東。

I know a little about the origin of the chrysler corporation and the man who founded it . 對于克萊斯勒的來歷以及它的創始人,我也略知一二。

The tax credit is an imputation based on the fact that corporation tax has been paid . 稅收抵免是以已經交納的公司稅為基礎的一種估算制度。

He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under-developed countries . 他分析了跨國公司和不發達國家之間的關系。

When a corporation starts to export for the first time, it will usually engage distributor . 公司在第一次出口時,常聘用經銷商。

This was hardly the way to be running the tenth largest corporation in the country . 作為全國第10位的大公司,這么搞法怎么行呢!

Actors mingled with socialites and governors and heads of powerful corporations . 演員,社交家,州長及各大公司的經理歡聚一堂。

A corporation president, for example, has complete authority to manage a corporation . 譬如公司的總經理有全權來管理一個公司。

Many americans argue that big corporations should be dismantled into smaller ones . 許多美國人主張將大公司解體為較小的公司。