
corpora n.corpus 的復數。


Acquisition of english articles by chinese efl learners - a corpus - based study 一項基于中國學習者英語語料庫的研究

Cpges immunostaining was similar to mpges in the corpus luteum 在第2 3天的黃體細胞中, cpgesmrna表達達到最高。

The rupture of the double corpus luteum diagnosed by color ultrasonography : case report 超聲診斷雙側黃體破裂1例

A comparative study of emotion metaphors in english and chinese based on corpora 基于語料的英漢情感隱喻對比研究

Around the bend : 07 . 20 . 07 - 07 . 26 . 07 - corpus christi caller times It s一個woman s世界在更軟的邊- joliet使者新聞

Translation pairs extraction from unaligned chinese - english bilingual corpora 基于未對齊漢英雙語庫的翻譯對抽取

On construction of a chinese corpus bused on semantic dependency relations 基于語義依存關系的漢語語料庫的構建

A corpus - based study of chinese learners ' acquisition of english articles 一項基于中國學習者英語語料庫的研究

Translation - based automatic alignment of english and chinese parallel corpora 基于譯文的英漢雙語句子自動對齊

Corpus restiforme crus medullocerebellare 延髓小腦腳

On the corpus of taizhou school 兼談黃宗羲的學術史觀

The evaluation of major activities is a corpus - based study 本次評估對主要活動的評估是基于語料庫的評估。

A cognitive study on conceptual metaphor based on the corpus quot; laozi quot 為語料的概念隱喻認知研究

Applies for a writ of habeas corpus 在英國申請人身保護令

Corpus luteum menstruationis graviditatis 黃體經期或孕期

So evaluating major activities based on corpus is feasible 因此主要活動的評估可以基于語料庫進行。

Introduction of livac synchronous corpus Livac共時語料庫簡介

Classified study on inconsistency of segment for chinese corpus 中文語料庫分詞不一致的分類處理研究

Bilingual corpus based chinese - english dictionary con struction 平行語料庫中雙語術語詞典的自動抽取