
coronet n.1.(貴族、王族的)寶冠;(女用)冠狀頭飾;【詩】花...


But before pierre had time to make up his mind what answer he would send , the countess herself walked calmly and majestically into the room . she was wearing a white satin dressing - gown embroidered with silver , and had her hair in two immense coils wound like a coronet round her exquisite head . in spite of her calm , there was a wrathful line on her rather prominent , marble brow 可是皮埃爾心里還沒有決定回答他的話,伯爵夫人就親自走進房里來,神態安靜而莊嚴,穿著一種滾銀邊的白綢長罩衫,梳著普通的發型兩條粗大的辮子在她那漂亮的頭上盤了兩盤成了diadme ,不過在稍微突出的大理石般光滑的額頭上有一條憤怒的皺紋。

Flying apsaras appearance kindly , coronet vertebra hair worn in a bun or coil , the shoulder wraps streamers , stretch and hold up streamers after the right hand , wind the back , is caught by the left hand , the streamer flutters in the breeze , wear the long skirt and wave , the sole uncovers , three auspicious clouds set off , flutter high up in the airly 飛天面目慈祥,頭飾椎髻,肩披飄帶,右手后伸擎著飄帶,繞過背后,由左手接住,飄帶迎風招展,身著長裙飄揚,腳掌裸露,有三朵祥云襯托,凌空飛舞。陰刻飾線細致,使形態生動和逼真。

I , who was not the least put out by the sight of the dressing - room of a kept woman , spent some time agreeably inspecting its contents , neglecting none of them , and i noticed that all these magnificently wrought implements bore different initials and all manner of coronets 我看到了一個妓女的梳妝間倒沒有厭惡的心情,不管是什么東西,我都饒有興趣地細細鑒賞一番。我發現所有這些雕刻精湛的用具上都鐫刻著各種不同的人名首字母和五花八門的紋章標記。

I saw plainly how you would look ; and heard your impetuous republican answers , and your haughty disavowal of any necessity on your part to augment your wealth , or elevate your standing , by marrying either a purse or a coronet 我清清楚楚地看到了你的表情。聽到了你激烈而開明的回答聽到你高傲地否認有必要仰仗同錢袋與桂冠結親,來增加自己的財富,或者提高自己的地位。 ”

He that will kill her shall be a stag of ten tines , four of which will bear golden coronets ; the other six will be turned into the horns of oxen , and these horns will rouse the three islands of britain with their accursed bellowing 殺她的他會是帶有十個尖頭的閹割過的雄鹿,四個會帶著金色的冠冕;其余六個會變成了公牛的角,這些角會用可憎的咆哮喚醒不列顛的三個島嶼。

The density distribution shows coronet as to the single mode . and the density distribution shows equality as to the multi - modes , except the little hollow in the optical fiber core . the second is coherent incidence light 結果表明,對于非相干情況,輸出光強為中心對稱和沿徑向非均勻衰減形式;對于相干情況,輸出光強分布為復雜的峰谷分布形式。

Signor pastrini drew from his fob a magnificent breguet , bearing the name of its maker , of parisian manufacture , and a count s coronet 派里尼老板從他的褲袋里掏出一只布累古懷表,上面刻著制造者的名字,巴黎的印戳和一頂伯爵的花冠。

And when gaga did her best to quiet him : “ it s a nuisance , “ he murmured , “ my initials and my coronet are worked in the corner 他嘟噥道, “手帕的一個角上,還繡著我的姓氏的第一個字母和我的冠冕丟了我就糟啦。 ”

Those native girls looked alike with the coronets of flowers around their necks 這些脖子上戴著花環的當地少女看上去很相似。

Kind hearts are more than coronets 好心勝過高帽子

Kind hearts are more than coronets 善良的心地勝過桂冠。

Kind hearts are more than coronets 善良的心靈勝于顯貴的地位。

“ an h and an n , surmounted by a baron s coronet . “和,上面有一個男爵的花環圖紋。 ”