
coroner n.1.驗尸官。2.(從前英國的)王室私產管理官。短語和...


Coroner ' s officer 死因裁判人員

E . g . poison , violence , etc . , such case will be reported to the coroner 的死亡個案(例如:中毒、暴力等) ,應向死因裁判官報告。

Queensland state police took possession of 9 a copy for a coroner ' s investigation 昆士蘭警署保留了一份備份以便驗尸官調查。

The case has been reported to the coroner through the police for investigation 個案已透過警方轉介予死因裁判法庭作跟進調查。

Y our guess is as good as mine . i ' m just a county coroner with a law degree 你的猜測和我一樣我只是個獲得法學學位的縣驗尸官

Sunlight through the slats of the venetian blinds . the coroner s ears , big and hairy 驗尸官那雙毛茸茸的大耳朵?浴在陽光下。

29 . coroners rules 29 .死因裁判官規則

Andrew sampson , the coroner , was told that the couple left separate suicide notes 后來,兩人在自殺前還通過一次電話。 ”

. . . i have to get these forensic coroner guys to come to see what happened 我就要讓這些驗尸官過來看看出了什么事

And you must never look at the photos i ' ve seen at the coroner ' s office 你也決不要看我在在驗尸官那里看過的照片

Coroners ordinance government bills 政府條例草案

31 . coroners fees rules 31 .死因裁判官費用規則

I have to get these forensic coroner guys to come to see what happened 我就要讓這些驗尸官過來看看出了什么事

30 . coroners forms rules 30 .死因裁判官表格規則

Female coroner yan left hong kong after she breaks up with police officer yuan 女法醫官言陳慧珊與督察原. .

Through the county coroner ' s office 由驗尸處發布

We ' re gonna need a coroner notification . we got a db down at municipal jetty 我們需要驗尸官,在碼頭發現尸體

And this is the coroner ' s report 這是檢驗員的報告。

Coroners ordinance iv . government bills Iv .政府條例草案