
coronation n.加冕禮,即位典禮。


Its scoop was indeed a coup : june 2nd was the day of queen elizabeth ' s coronation 這個獨家新聞確實很絕妙: 1953年6月2日是伊麗莎白女王的加冕禮的日子。

And what do you think of this latest farce of the coronation at milan ? said anna pavlovna “可是,近來面世的dusacredemilan那幕喜劇,您認為如何? ”

Baron f was wearing his whole wardrobe dating from the coronation of the emperor francis the first F男爵穿著國王佛蘭西斯一世加冕時代的全套衣服。

I promise , first thing after my coronation , i ' ll help you buy your farms back 我保證,在我加冕之后做的第一件事就是幫助你買回你的農場

Stunned , the king without a throne ducked the freaky coronation 令人驚訝的是,這位無冕之王躲開了這個看似有點滑稽的加冕典禮。

On coronation day 為了加冕日48 。

The coronation of a new queen , 新女王的加冕禮

The prince ' s coronation ball . he ' s invited that insolent little snip 王子的加冕禮他邀請那個厚顏無恥的廢物?

Edgar ' s soldiers rounding up elfin singers to perform at the coronation 艾德加爾的士兵抓精靈去加冕禮上表演

We gotta go . come on . come on , guys . we got a coronation to crash 我們快去那里,伙計們我們要擾亂加冕禮

In honor of tomorrow ' s coronation 為了紀念明天的加冕禮

Your coronation is next week 你的加冕典禮在下個星期舉行

The famous faberge coronation egg 著名的法貝熱帝皇加冕蛋

That ' s a beautiful coronation coach 那是一架漂亮的加冕馬車。

The pope was present at the coronation of queen elizabeth ii 教皇參加了伊麗莎白二世的加冕禮。

The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant 新國王的加冕典禮是一個非常壯麗的場面。

1831 the coronation of king william iv took place 1831年的今天,威廉四世國王舉行了加冕典禮。

The coronation of the new king is a splendid pageant 新國王的加冕典禮是一個非常壯麗的場面。

As you know , tonight is the coronation ball 你知道,今晚是加冕禮晚會