
coronary adj.冠的,花冠的;冠狀的。 the coronary...


To talk about the effect on coronary artery disease by astragalua 淺談黃芪對冠心病的治療作用

What patient suits to do coronary artery to take bridge skill 哪些病人適合做冠狀動脈搭橋術

Research progress in treatment of coronary no - reflow phenomenon 冠脈無復流現象治療的研究進展

The major function of this drug is to dilate coronary arteries 它的主要作用是擴張冠狀動脈。

Selective coronary angiography in 60 cases of coronary heart disease 選擇性冠狀動脈造影60例

Clinic application of off - pump coronary artery bypass grafting 不停跳冠脈搭橋手術的臨床應用

Analysis on tcm studies for syndrome types of coronary heart disease 冠心病中醫證型研究概述

Special methods for senile coronary heart disease 老年冠心病證治特點

All were initially free of stroke and coronary heart disease 所有人最初沒有中風和冠心病。

That ' s good for your coronaries , hey ? smoke , too 那對你的冠心病有好處吧?嘿。抽煙也是?

It ' s just a shame it took a coronary 我為我自己感到恥辱我的心臟病. .

What sense to have to the diagnosis of coronary heart disease 對冠心病的診斷有什么意義

Vulnerable plaque and acute coronary syndrome 易損斑塊與急性冠脈綜合征

Research of acute coronary syndrome by integrative medicine 急性冠脈綜合征中西醫研究概況

Massive coronary . he wasn ' t even 35 嚴重的心臟病他當時甚至還沒到35歲

A coronary artery has been opened longitudinally 冠狀動脈被縱向剖開。

Age - standardized death rate of coronary heart disease 的年標準化死亡率

Coronary artery interventional therapy stent implantaion 主動脈介入治療

Diabetic coronary heart disease treated with invigorat 益氣養陰活血法治療糖尿病性冠心病