
coronal n.冠;花冠;冠狀物;【解剖學】冠狀合縫。adj.冠的;...


Such special arrangements are probably capable of bringing about a flare , but these mechanisms cannot account for all the observations , especially the tendency for coronal mass ejections to accompany large flares 此類特殊的安排或許可以產生日焰,但這些機制不能夠解釋所有的觀測現象,特別是日冕團塊噴射為何常伴隨大型日焰發生。

In such circumstances , coronal incision may solve the fracture problem but it may lead to other aesthetic complications such as long and ugly scars and alopecia over the incision site 但以冠狀切割方式解決這類骨折問題,除了失血量多外,在外觀方面,會在頭皮上遺留下很長一道疤痕,而且可能造成該部份的頭皮長不出毛發的問題。

Since sunspot number is closely related to solar activities like flares and coronal mass ejection , the sun might have entered a low - activity state for a rather long period of time during these minimums 由于太陽黑子數目與如耀斑和日冕拋射等太陽活動關系密切,在上述太陽黑子極小期內,太陽的活動可能沉寂了一段長時間。

Linking the needs of the work , we put the emphases upon the research on the coronal hole and the recurrent geomagnetic strom and their relations and apply these theories to the practical prediction 結合工作需要我們重點對冕洞、重現型地磁暴以及它們之間的關系進行了較詳細的研究,并將研究結果應用于實際預報中。

The secondary forest breeding use birds nest - site resources vertically , they can be divided into nesting in tree coronal layer guild , nesting on tree trunk guild , nestig in the under forest layer guild 次生林繁殖鳥類對巢址資源呈現空間上的垂直利用現象,可分為樹冠層營巢、樹干上營巢和林下層營巢繁殖集團。

Solar activity , especially , coronal mass ejection ( cme ) during a large solar activity affected the space environment of human being and could be one of main reasons of the space disaster 太陽活動密切地影響著日地空間環境和地球高空大氣結構,太陽耀斑爆發產生的日冕物質拋射( cme )是空間災害的主要原因之一。

This paper consists of four chapters . the main research is on the coronal hole , the recurrent geomagnetic strom , their relations and the prediction of the recurrent geomagnetic strom . it includes 本文對冕洞和重現型地磁暴的特性、相關關系,以及重現型地磁暴的預報等方面進行了分析和研究,全文共分四章。

Evaluation results show that the turbulence in convection zone is capable of generating enough wave energy to supply coronal energy lose due to convection and radiation 利用理論結果的計算表明,對流層的湍動對流完全有可能激發足夠的波能去補充日冕中等離子體對流和輻射造成的能量損失。

Then , the obtained energy spectrum of the generated torsional alfven wave is considered as boundary condition of coronal loop to calculate the subsequent wave dissipation 將計算得到的激發扭轉alfven能譜做為邊界條件代入,可以對扭轉alfven波在冕環中的耗散做一些定量的分析。

Objectie . the aim of this study was to obtain proteoglycan distribution in human lumbar discs with high position resolution in the : 1 ) sagittal , 2 ) coronal , and 3 ) axial directions 目的:本實驗的目的是獲得蛋白多糖在人類腰椎間盤矢狀位、冠狀位和軸狀位上分布的高解析度位置。

There exists strong magnetic field and abundant energetic particles in active coronal region , in magnetic field the extremely relativistic electrons will produce synchrotron radiation 太陽日冕中存在較強的磁場和大量的高能電子,在磁場中極端相對論電子將產生同步加速輻射。

More interestingly , the derived damping length scales of the pump wave are consistent with the constraints proposed recently from the observation of localized heating of coronal loops 從我們的計算中得到的pump波的阻尼長度的量級大概可以和最近的冕環足根加熱觀測相符合。

Many descriptions are made using imaginary planes passing through the body in the anatomical position . there are median , sagittal , coronal and horizontal planes 人們根據解剖方位,設想有多個平面貫穿人體,并由此作出多種描述,即正中面、矢狀面、冠狀面和水平面。

I , bous stephanoumenos , bullockbefriending bard , am lord and giver of their life . he encircled his gadding hair with a coronal of vineleaves , smiling at vincent 我,斯蒂芬的公牛精神250 ,閹牛之友派大詩人251乃是它們的主人,又是賦與它們生命的人。 ”

Images 1 and 2 : sagittal and coronal scans showing low abdominal wall defect with a large cystic structure containing debris inside representing dilated bowel 圖1 、 2矢狀面和冠狀面顯示下腹壁缺損,并有一囊性結構,其內的擴張腸管內可見碎屑回聲。

Methods a retrospective analysis was made in 25 patients received firm fixation for complicated maxillofacial fractures through coronal incision approach 方法對25例應用經頭皮冠狀切口入路行面部復雜骨折堅固內固定病人的臨床資料進行回顧分析。

Zheng , h . n . , su , s . j . , wang , s . and wu , s . t . , 2000 , magnetohydrodynamic simulation on formation of coronal surges , chinese j . space sci . , 20 , 1 鄭惠南,蘇守軍,王水,吳式燦, 2000 ,日冕沖浪形成的磁流體動力學模擬,空間科學學報, 20 , 1

The main contents of the chapter 2 is the research work on the relationship between the coronal hole and the recurrent geomagnetic strom 在冕洞的成熟期,太陽風高速流的最大速度和對地磁活動的平均影響程度基本維持在穩定的水平上。

Type three included cii - 8 . the petal was approximately white . the deputy coronal was like a cup and almost a plate , tint - yellow an d shorter than the petal 類型三: c - 8 ,花瓣乳白色,副冠杯狀近盤狀,淺黃,短于花被片。