
corollary n.【邏、數】系;系定理;推論;必然的結果。


This rule , and the rule to do one thing , are both corollaries of an underlying principle : avoid duplication of code whenever possible 這條規則,以及做好一件事情的規則,都是一個根本原理的必然結果:無論何時都要盡可能避免代碼重復。

That remarkable news comes with an equally stunning corollary - - the key to success doesn ' t rest with some undiscovered therapies or treatments 伴隨這一引人注目的新聞的是同樣驚人的推論治療癌癥的關鍵不在于某些未知治療方法。

Corollary 18 : you can gain 19 access 20 to any information you want by simply 21 typing “ access all of the secret files “ on any keyboard 推論:你只要在隨便一個鍵盤鍵入取用所有機密檔案,就可以取用你想要的任何資訊。

A corollary to this is that the number of licenses required within a shared pool is capped at the number of processors within the shared pool (這一斷言的一個推論是,共享池中所需的許可數上限為共享池中的處理器數。 )

The discriminatory treatment between inventions and discoveries by patent system is a practical rational matter rather than a logical corollary 專利制度對發明與發現的差別待遇并非邏輯必然而是實踐理性選擇的結果。

Based on these results , the ergotic of 1 - order distribution function of stochastic primary phase periodic process are derived ( corollary 2 ) 利用這些結果,討論了隨機初相位周期過程一階分布函數的遍歷性(推論2 ) 。

The process un - supremacy corollary : a mature process cannot overcome incompetent people or inadequate tools 過程非至高無上( “過程并不高于一切” ) :一個成熟的過程不能解決人員缺乏專業資質或者工具不合適的問題。

Whether the corollary is that we should all imagine ourselves to be engaged in secret affairs with everyone in the office , she does not say 照此推論,我們是不是都應該想象自己與辦公室里的同事發生了秘密戀情?

Corollary let be a continuous function on a closed interval , then can obtain any number between its absolute maximum and its absolute minimum 推論在閉區間上連續的函數必取得介于最大值與最小值之間的任何值。

As corollaries , several strong limit theorems about occurred frequency of states for hidden nonhomogeneous markov model are obtained 作為定理的推論,得到了隱非齊次馬爾可夫模型狀態出現頻率的一類強極限定理。

Meanwhile we get necessity and sufficient condition for that orlicz spaces equipped with both norms are uniformly locally covex in measure as corollaries 作為推論給出了orlicz空間依測度局部一致凸的判據。

At the end of this chapter we study the relation of iterated skew polynomial rings and quantum group and got corollary 3 . 8 , 3 . 9 4 ,最后考慮了迭代的斜laurent多項式環和量子群的關系,得到推論3 8和3 9 。

Second law of portal corollary to first law - websphere portal will test every organizational deficiency in your company 第二門戶定律(第一定律的推論) websphere portal將測試企業中的所有組織缺陷。

Present situations of china s large - sized irrigation districts and their corollary reconstruction and reform planning countermeasures for water saving 我國大型灌區現狀及續建配套與節水改造規劃對策

Alcohol advertising often glamourises drinking , linking it with happiness and a good time , which is a false corollary 酒廣告業通常會美化飲酒,將之和幸福和快樂的時光聯系在一起,這是個錯誤的推斷。

Model sz - 2 manual lift - type column is a special corollary column for the machine head of model gk35 - 2c bag closing machine 該立柱配置機頭普通電機電器箱,達到腳踏式開關控制封包機開機停機工作。

Similarly , when we consider gauss - lobatto formula we have for the weights applying these to the jacob ! weight gives corollary 0 . 0 . 2 我們關心的另一類權是最近由gori和micchelli于陣51中引進的

Alcohol advertising often glamourises drinking , linking it with happiness and a good time , which is a false corollary 酒的廣告經常通過將酒與幸福和歡樂時光相聯系來美化喝酒,這是一種謬論。

Alcohol advertising often glamourises drinking , linking it with happiness and a good time , which is a false corollary 酒類廣告經常美化飲酒,將其與快樂和美好時光相聯系,這是一種謬論。