
corolla n.【植物;植物學】花冠。


The classification system among species of lycoris was discussed through morphology , chromosome , molecule . the systematical relationship among 12 species of lycoris has been discussed . the problems in the taxonomical systematics are as follows : ( l ) the results of cytology are different from that of molecule , but results of karyotype analycis and that of rapd are same . so it is seem too hard to divide lycoris two subgenus according to corolla regularity 其中,通過形態、染色體、分子方面對石蒜屬植物種間分類系統進行了探討,在石蒜屬分類系統方面存在的主要問題有: ( 1 )細胞學與分子系統學上的證據較為一致,而與形態學上的證據存在差異,因此,能否以花冠整齊與否將石蒜屬劃分為兩大亞屬值得商榷; ( 2 )石蒜屬植物的雜合體較多,這些種的系統位置仍存在分歧; ( 3 )微形態證據探討石蒜屬分類系統方面研究較為缺乏。

( 4 ) the tubiform petal of p . suffruticosa andr . and paeonia lactiflora pall , is a special petal which only has been occurred in the highflower of pralification flower of the above two species . the petal is similar to corolla of some family of sympetalous dicotyledon in shape , however it has a more thin base and many different lobes in form and size ( 4 )在對臺閣花型的研究中新發現了一種特殊的花瓣一筒狀花瓣,它具有筒狀結構,外形類似于一些合瓣花類植物的花冠,但筒的基部更細,向上變粗,口部邊緣變化較大,具形狀和大小各異的裂片,有的呈喇叭形,有的呈鐘形,筒內壁上有時具一頂部游離的芒狀物。

Expression analysis the expression analysis of gharf in different tissues of cotton was carried out by rna dot blotting with ghakf probe labeled with dig . the result showed that the expression of arf gene was mainly in anthers of sterile and fertile , pollen of fertile , corolla rather than in leaves , radicel and ovule 棉花ari ; ’基因的表達分析用地高辛將棉花arf基因標記為探針,與棉花洞a的不育株花藥、司有株花藥、可育花粉粒、葉片、花冠、胚根和胚珠的總rna進行斑點雜交。

Up for grabs are a top prize of a corolla car , followed in descending order by a motorcycle , a japanese tv , a heavyweight chinese bicycle and a top cash prize of about , almost a month ' s pay for many afghans 頭獎是一輛花冠轎車,接下來依次是摩托車,日本電視機,中國產重型自行車,現金最高獎盡管只有大約30美元,但是這筆錢差不多是一個阿富汗老百姓一個月的收入。英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net

Up for grabs are a top prize of a corolla car , followed in descending order by a motorcycle , a japanese tv , a heavyweightchinese bicycle and a top cash prize of about $ 30 , almost a month ' s pay for many afghans 頭獎是一輛花冠轎車,接下來依次是摩托車,日本電視機,中國產重型自行車,現金最高獎盡管只有大約30美元,但是這筆錢差不多是一個阿富汗老百姓一個月的收入。

Flowers solitary in axils of leaves ; corolla nearly rotate , 2 - 3 cm long , white or pinkish , the upper lobes tinged with purplish blue blotches inside ; stamens 5 ; ovary ovoid , covered with short stipitate glandular hairs 花單生于葉腋;花冠近輻狀,長2 - 3厘米, 5裂,白色或帶粉紅色,上部裂片內有紫藍色斑;雄蕊5 ;子房被具短柄的腺毛,卵圓形。

Sunflowers repay sun with sun - like golden corolla . birthworts repay the sky with clear petals . i repay you with sincere heart and enthusiasm of creation , my kind father 向日葵以日輪式的金色花冠報答陽光,馬蓮以淳樸的天清色花瓣報答青天,我以赤誠的心和創造的熱情報答您好- -我的慈愛的父親

Toyota motor co . recently announced cuts of about 20 , 000 yuan 2 , 400 on 19 different versions of its corolla midsize sedans and vios subcompacts made in china 晨曦介紹說,有關國產化政策取消后,政府有關部門就在考慮如何能繼續發揮國產化對汽車工業推動作用。這是當時最主要的指導思想。

Characteristic : shape of rose , specific design , jewelry could be stored in the corolla . there are many sparkle grains inlet on the petal would give the flickering effect 特色:玫瑰花形,款式獨特,可放首飾在花球內,花瓣鑲有多粒閃石,閃閃生輝,手工精致。

Corolla blue - purple , ca . 1 . 2 cm long , white pubescent , 2 - lipped , upper lip 2 - lobed , lower lip 3 - lobed ; lobes subequal 花冠藍紫色,長1 . 2厘米,被白色短柔毛,二唇形,上唇2裂,下唇3裂,裂片近相等。

When is came to helping my mom purchase a new automobile i suggested only 2 cars ; a 2004 toyota corolla or a 2004 honda civic 當我幫媽媽買新車時,我只推薦了2部車: 2004豐田花冠和2004本田思域。

Except for the image of europa and corolla , everything else is rough sketch in the below 在下面的圖中,除了歐羅巴和花冠外,其余都是草圖。

Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals 分瓣的帶有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此為特性的

The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers 花心一些花的通常顏色各異的花冠的中心

A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower 舌狀花舌狀花或這種花的花冠

Sometimes remnants of the corolla may also be present when the fruit is mature . 有時當果實成熟時也留有花冠的殘余。

The androecium is borne on the fused corolla . 雄蕊群著生在聯合的花冠上。