
corny 短語和例子corny1adj.1.谷類的;谷類豐富的。2...


My boyfriend and i broke up last month . now i don ' t have to spend hours poring over corny valentines in a card shop any more 我和我的男朋友上個月分手了。現在我不需要花上幾個鐘頭在卡片店里東選西挑(細讀)無聊的情人卡了。

Rewarded by smiles he fell back and spoke with corny kelleher , accepting the dockets given him , turning them over and scanning them as he walked 接著他就遲到后面,去和科尼凱萊赫攀談,收下對方遞過來的票據,邊走邊翻看看。

Corny kelleher sped a silent jet of hayjuice arching from his mouth while a generous white arm from a window in eccles street flung forth a coin 就在這當兒,一只白?的胳膊從埃克爾斯街上的一扇窗戶里慷慨地丟出一枚硬幣。

He and some pals operated the school ' s radio station , and each week they ' d dispense corny jokes and trivial talk of school events 他和一些伴主持學校的廣播電臺,每個星期他們都會說些有關學校活動的笑話與八卦。

Corny kelleher opened the sidedoors and the gravediggers came in , hoisted the coffin again , carried it out and shoved it on their cart 科尼凱萊赫打開側門,掘墓工進來,重新抬起棺材,抬出去裝在他們的手推車上。

Corny kelleher , laying a wreath at each fore corner , beckoned to the boy to kneel . the mourners knelt here and there in praying desks 科尼凱萊赫在四個角各放了只花圈,然后向那男孩子打了個手勢,讓他跪下。

Father conmee passed h . j . o neill s funeral establishment where corny kelleher totted figures in the daybook while he chewed a blade of hay 科尼凱萊赫正一邊嚼著一片枯草,一邊在流水帳簿上劃算著。

O that be damned for a story , mr dedalus said . pullman car and saloon diningroom . - a poor lookout for corny , mr power added “那可是個奇妙的主意, ”迪達勒斯先生說, “再掛上一節軟臥和高級餐車。 ”

For those of you scratching your heads in confusion , tajei is a dragon who has recently taken on human guise , hence the corny joke 畫中的人物以前是一只龍?最近才化為人形?所以我跟他開了一個小玩笑。

Corny kelleher stepped aside from his rank and allowed the mourners to plod by . - sad occasions , mr kernan began politely 科尼凱萊赫從行列里跨到路邊,讓送葬者抱著沉重的腳步從他身旁踱過去。

Corny kelleher stood by the opened hearse and took out the two wreaths . he handed one to the boy 科尼凱萊赫站在敞著門的靈車旁邊,取出一對花圈,并將其中的一個遞給了男孩子。

And what was it only one of the smutty yankee pictures terry borrows off of corny kelleher 那不過是特里向科尼凱萊赫借來的美國佬黃色照片中的一張。

The comedian failed to entertain us , with his corny jokes and awful singing 這個喜劇演員由于他的眾所周知的笑話和極差的演唱,并不使我們發笑。

Billy : yeah i know . gifts and corny songs are the two main christmas activities 比利:沒錯,我知道。送禮物和唱老歌是圣誕節的兩種主要活動。

That ' s corny 那很俗氣

That ' s so corny 太老套了

God , it ' s so corny 天,太蠢了

That was corny 這玩笑很蹩腳吧

Corny kelleher gave one wreath to the boy and one to the brother - in - law 科尼凱萊赫把一只花圈遞給男孩兒,另一只遞給他舅舅。