
cornucopia n.1.【神話】豐饒角。2.豐產的象征;豐富,豐饒;圓錐...


Cluster analysis based on its pcr - rflp suggested that seven groups were distinguishable for pleurotus on 93 % similairity coefficient , i . e . p . oslrealus complex ( including p . ostreatus , p . florida , p . sapidus , p . corticalus , p . cornucopias , p . columbinus , p . spodoleucus , p . ferulae , p . nebrodensis and p . sp . ) , p . eryngii , p . pulmonarius - p Itspcr一rflp聚類分析結果表明, 52個側耳菌株在93 %的相似系數水平可分為七類,第一類包括糙皮側耳、佛羅以達側耳、美味側耳、裂皮側耳、黃白側耳、哥倫比亞側耳、灰自側耳、阿魏蘑、白阿魏蘑;第二類為刺芹側耳;第三類包括月

Abalonus and p . cystiodisus , iii p . tuber - regium , imp . citrinopileatus , v the other tested isolates , including p . ostreatus , p . florida , p . sapidus , p . corticatus , p . cornucopias , p . columbinus , p . spodoleucus , p . ferulae , p . nebrodensis , p . eryngii , p . pulmonarius , p . sajor - caju and pleurotus sp 28srdna5 ’端pcr ? rflp聚類分析結果表明,在92的相似系數下,可將52個側耳菌株分為五類:紅平菇和桃紅平菇;鮑魚菇和囊蓋側耳:具核側耳;金頂側耳;其它供試側耳。

Clay bennett ' s cartoon for the christiansciencemonitor shows us a middle - class american family seated for a big meal . in the foreground is a cornucopia a symbol of abundance that is a common decorative motif at thanksgiving labeled “ economy “ . the us economy is indeed producing abundantly , but who is benefiting 在靠前的地方有一個羊角狀器皿羊角是豐饒的象征,是感恩節時很普遍的裝飾圖案,上寫著“經濟”二字,美國經濟的確在大幅增長,但是誰受益呢?

The development of microelectronics ? first the transistor and then the aggregation of transistors into microprocessors , memory chips and controllers ? has brought forth a cornucopia of machines that manipulate information by streaming electrons through silicon 微電子學的進展已經帶來豐碩的成果,讓機器能夠藉由流過矽片的電子來處理資訊;在這進展的過程中,先是出現電晶體,然后把許多電晶體聚集起來,制作出微處理器、記憶體晶片以及控制器等。

With about 20 restaurants , hotels and pubs signed up for this year s event , you can expect to enjoy just that , with this international culinary cornucopia including turkish , indian , irish , german , thai , korean , italian and american cuisine 大約有20家的餐廳,旅館和酒吧業者都會加入本年度的活動,令人期待的國際美食料理包括了土耳其印度愛爾蘭德泰韓義大利和美國餐飲,請翻閱本月的封面故事內文有詳細的介紹。

1 may - 30 jun 2007 le french may has offered audiences a rich cornucopia of french culture since its inception in 1992 , making it one of the must - attend arts and cultural events for hong kong and the rest of the asia - pacific region 每年一度的法國五月藝術節把法國的藝術文化帶來香港,讓市民大眾和旅客體驗浪漫的花都情懷自1992年首屆藝術節舉辦至今,此節目已經成為香港以至整個亞洲地區最重要的藝文盛事之一。

The kelp is a cornucopia of trace elements , some trace elements that essential to human body exceed dozens of times , even thousand of times than the land plants . the kelp is rich in kelp fibre and iodine , it is the organic food of green ocean 海帶是微量元素的聚寶盆,所含人體必需的某些微量元素超過陸生植物的幾十倍,甚至幾千倍;海帶富含海藻纖維和碘,是綠色的海洋有機食品。

Over the years , i ve ripped my music onto various computers and , in the process , muddled my mp3 collection to the point where i have numerous directories representing a cornucopia of music 多年以來,我把我的音樂截取到不同的計算機上,在這個過程中,我的mp3收藏亂到了這樣一種層度:只是表示品種豐富的音樂目錄就有一大堆。

Chemical engineering encompasses its conceptual origins in great britain , subsequent struggle for survival in the united states , and concludes with a cornucopia of contributions made in this century 中文:化學工程的概念起源于英國,繼而在美國開始立足發展,最后在本世紀成為一門有重大貢獻的學科。

These days , most organizations possess plenty of multiple divisions with various levels and types of computing resources , and a cornucopia of policies designed to manage those resources 現在,很多組織都擁有很多不同級別、不同類型的計算資源,并且有許多用來管理這些資源的策略。

Tasting : lulu - v is refreshingly crisp with silky textures and the airy perfumes of apricot , peach and acacia blossom and a cornucopia of mouth - filling fruit flavours 此酒的特點是:清新涼爽,口感潤滑并且還會聞到類似杏仁,桃子的特別的水果的芳香。

24 an open window of an old - fashioned room is seen , the net curtain is blowing inward into the shape of a cornucopia 一個老式房間的一扇開著的窗子出現,那網眼窗簾正被風向里吹得如羊角般鼓鼓的。

Kelp is a cornucopia of trace element which is necessary to human body , the content of trace element exceed . . . . . 海帶是微量元素的聚寶盆,所含人體必需的某些微量元素超過陸生。

Group located in basin chaiddmu , which is the prestigious cornucopia in town haixi of qinghai province 公司坐落在享有“聚寶盆”美稱的中國青海省海西洲柴達木盆地。

This module defines a cornucopia of assertion methods , but rather than being extended , ruby s 這個模組定義了許多斷言方法,但是ruby不對這個模組進行擴充, ruby的

But metal and earth does have the magical power to ensnare me in this cornucopia 但金與土就是有著一份魔力,讓我忘返的溜連這個大觀園。

I ' m a veritable cornucopia of talent 我是個真正的天才

The book is a cornucopia of information 書是知識的寶庫

Maintains a cornucopia of resources on design patterns 負責維護對設計模式的廣泛討論。