
cornish adj.〔英國〕康瓦爾 (Cornwall) 郡的。


We were pleasantly surprised that the general public does recognize marine conservation as a major environmental problem in hong kong requiring immediate and effective measures to solve the issues . however , few people recognize the serious cumulative impact of decades of hands - off fisheries management in hong kong waters , and still more needs to be done to raise their awareness level on this issue , said dr andy cornish , wwf hong kong conservation director 世界自然基金會香港分會環境保護干事鄺力存博士表示:對于普羅大眾意識到海洋保育是香港面對的主要環境問題,需要以積極及有效的方法馬上處理,我們都感到驚喜然而大部份市民仍未了解數十年來放任的捕魚管理策略所累積的惡果,實在有需要提高他們對有關問題的關注。

“ the fact that commercial fishing using hook and line , fish traps and gill nets still legally occurs in hong kongs marine parks by fishers issued with permits from the agriculture , fisheries and conservation department is the most likely reason for fish biomass remaining low in these marine parks , “ explained dr cornish 鄺力存博士闡釋:持有漁農自然護理署發出的許可證的漁民,現時仍可合法地用釣具漁籠和刺網在香港的海岸公園進行商業捕魚活動,這極可能是導致海岸公園內魚類生物量偏低的主因。

Dr cornish , who has been studying the reef fishes at hoi ha wan marine park and tung ping chau marine park since 1997 , found that the overall diversity number of species , abundance and biomass wet weight showed no detectable differences between surveys carried out in 1997 and 2006 鄺力存博士自1997年以來,一直研究海下灣海岸公園和東坪洲海岸公園范圍的珊瑚魚,而在1997年至2006年間獲得的考察結果顯示,珊瑚魚的整體多樣性即物種的數目每種珊瑚魚的數量和它們的濕重量剛釣獲時的重量并無顯著分別。

We believe that as eastern waters become increasingly oriented to recreation , there will be more alternative job opportunities for fishers concluded dr cornish , but these communities have fished all their lives and will need a big helping hand to take advantage of a changing world 最后鄺力存博士總結:我們認為東部水域將逐漸成為市民的一個重要休憩場所,并為漁民提供更多不同類型的工作機會,然而他們畢生都以捕魚為生,實在需要積極的援助,以適應瞬息萬變的世界。

However , many hong kong people are still not aware of the existence of these marine treasures . there s a need to educate the public and students on our great underwater diversity , which is a fascinating mix of tropical and cold - water species . in addition to raising public awareness on our marine resources in hong kong , we will use the fish counts to compile a fish biodiversity database that will be added to each year to aid marine conservation efforts , “ said dr andy cornish , local fish expert and adjudicator of the big fish count 本地魚類專家兼觀魚大賽裁判andy cornish博士表示:本港海面面積達1 , 650平方公里,棲居其中的海洋生物種類繁多,包括1 , 000種熱帶與溫帶魚類,以及逾80種珊瑚然而許多香港市民并沒注意到這些海洋寶藏的存在,本會認為需要加強教導公眾與學生認識海底下多姿多采的熱帶和溫帶生物品種。

“ clp has downplayed the operational impacts of the lng terminal to fisheries resources , “ stated dr . andy cornish , director of conservation , wwf hong kong , “ up to 400 million fish larvae and 400 , 000 adult fish individuals will be killed annually due to the operation of the proposed cooling system . 本會環境保護干事鄺力存博士表示:中電并不重視液化天然氣接收站的運作對漁業資源的影響擬建的冷卻系統的運作將導致每年多達4億個魚苗及魚卵死亡和損失40萬條成魚。

“ in heavily fished areas like hong kong you would expect to see some recovery of the fish populations around five years after fishing is banned , and it is highly likely that the two core areas which are just a few hundred metres in length are far too small to benefit larger fishes like parrotfishes which may roam over considerable areas , “ dr . cornish said 鄺力存博士指出:在香港等捕魚活動頻繁的地區,通常在禁止捕魚約五年后,魚類種群的數目理應有所回升。雖然現時設有兩個禁捕核心區,但縱長只有數百米,體形較大且活動范圍較廣的魚類如鸚鵡魚等未必能受惠。

Latest research findings from a coral fish monitoring project by dr andy cornish , conservation director of wwf hong kong , indicate that fish populations on coral communities in the hoi ha wan marine park in sai kung have failed to increase from already low levels since the park was established there in 1996 世界自然基金會香港分會環境保護干事鄺力存博士進行珊瑚魚監測的最新研究結果顯示,自海下灣海岸公園于1996年成立至今,該范圍內的珊瑚群落扶養的魚類種群數量一直偏低,并?有增加的趨勢。

With the wwfs sos campaign , we hope to encourage our government to establish sustainable fishing and restore the health of fish stocks for the benefit of all in hong kong , said dr andy cornish , member of wwf hong kong conservation projects committee and adjudicator of the big fish count 本會環境保育項目委員會成員兼觀魚大賽評判dr . andy cornish表示:香港的海洋生物出乎意料的富饒,單是魚類已有約千種,可惜由于面對過度捕撈和污染等威脅,魚類種群并不健康。

With this pilot project in fujian , wwf wishes to improve the management of reserves in south china by providing necessary training to local reserve staff and assisting in the development of a tailor - made management plan for the reserve , said dr andy cornish , conservation director of wwf hong kong 本會希望通過這項在福建進行的試驗專案,向當地保護區職員提供必須的培訓,同時協助制訂切合保護區需要的管理方案,從而改善華南地區的保護區管理模式。 ”

Given that hong kong consumes such a large amount of seafood caught from wild populations , and is even the global centre for certain items such as live reef food fish , patterns of consumption in hong kong can influence marine populations across a huge area of ocean noted dr andy cornish 鄺力存博士謂:香港進口大部份野生海鮮,也是活珊瑚魚的全球貿易中心,本地市民食用海鮮能影響廣泛水域的海洋生物種群。

Unique wwf eco - tour for 4 persons to visit our project site at donsol , the philippines . accompany by our director of conservation , dr . andy cornish . a once - in - a - lifetime experience to swim with the world s largest living fish the whale sharks in the unspoiled ocean 是次生態之旅將遠赴本會位于菲律賓董索donsol的項目基地參觀,并能在未受破壞的海洋中與全球最大的魚類鯨鯊一起暢泳。

As well as the conservation and fisheries benefits , increased amounts of no - take marine protected areas should have substantial benefits to local divers and the diving industry by increasing the amount and diversity of fishes that divers can see here added dr cornish 本會正致力制定務實可行的建議,期望能惠及本港漁業市民和經濟,本會將于8月25日舉行的記者招待會上公布有關建議。

“ as the major consumption markets , hong kong and china are taking the initiative to work closely with the source countries in the region to ensure the sustainable trade in humphead wrasse , “ said dr andy cornish of wwf hong kong 世界自然基金會香港分會環境保護干事鄺力存博士稱香港和中國大陸作為主要的消費地區,正積極主動地和出產國合作,確保蘇眉魚貿易的可持續發展。

Given the wide range of source countries supplying seafood to hong kong , and the vast array of species on sale in hong kong , such results are hardly surprising , said dr andy cornish , wwf hong kong conservation director 世界自然基金會香港分會環境保護干事鄺力存博士表示:鑒于很多國家均有向香港供應海鮮,在本港出售的海鮮品種繁多,是次調查結果實屬意料中事。

“ it is interesting to note that after france , britain and sweden , the world ' s biggest workplace whiners are americans , despite their having by far the highest levels of income , “ said fds chief charlotte cornish Fds集團總裁夏洛特?科尼什說: “有趣的是,在法國、英國和瑞典之后、抱怨最多的竟然是美國員工,美國人的收入水平到目前為止可是全世界最高的。 ”

“ it is interesting to note that after france , britain and sweden , the world ' s biggest workplace whiners are americans , despite their having by far the highest levels of income , “ said fds chief charlotte cornish Fds集團總裁夏洛特科尼什說: “有趣的是,在法國英國和瑞典之后抱怨最多的竟然是美國員工,美國人的收入水平到目前為止可是全世界最高的。 ”

Special thanks to pro - dive hk - usa ltd and scubaworld hong kong for their generous support with special acknowledgement to dr . andy cornish and mr paul hodgson for their professional advice and expertise provided to the count 鳴謝協辦機構漁農自然護理署,大會裁判andy cornish博士及技術顧問paul hodgson先生,并特別鳴謝下列商戶對觀魚大賽的慷慨支持:

Dr cornish has commented , scientists looking at hong kong have found that decades of unsustainable fisheries management have led to a decrease in the numbers of large reef fish species 鄺力存博士道:科學家發現,過去數十年來,香港以不符合可持續原則的模式管理漁業,導致大型珊瑚魚品種數目下降。