
cornice n.【建筑】上楣(柱);【登山】雪檐。 cornice ...


Orvieto is compact enough so that you can walk from one end to the other in half an hour or so , but that would be to miss the fun of getting lost in the winding lanes and pausing to admire the towers and arches , elaborate cornices and windows , the way in which the shadowed alleys will suddenly deliver you into a sunny piazza 大約半個小時就夠你從奧維多的南頭走到北頭,不過你就不能體會到那種迷失在蜿蜒的小巷感覺,失去駐足欣賞城堡和拱門,精心裝飾過的檐口和窗戶的機會,也不會碰到那種能通向一個喧鬧廣場的小路。

To this end , during the opening lines of the prologue , he had managed to hoist himself up by the pillars of the reserved platform on to the cornice which projected around the foot of its balustrade , where he seated himself , soliciting the attention and the pity of the throng by his rags and a hideous sore covering his right arm 所以,開場序詩剛念頭幾句,他就利用那留給御使們專用的看臺的柱子,爬到了一個下部連接欄桿和看臺的檐板上,并坐了下來,故意顯露其破衣爛衫,顯露其一道蓋滿整只右臂的丑惡傷疤,以乞求觀眾的注意和憐憫。

Furniture , wallpaper , carpets , windows , doors , cornice work , whole room decorations , in short everything outside and inside , every fixed and movable part of the house , even the entire house can be purchased ready - made in the marketplace 家具,墻紙,地毯,窗戶,門,檐口作品,整個房間的裝飾,簡而言之房子里所有外面的和里面的東西,所有固定的和活動的部分,甚至整個房子都能在市場里現成地買到。

Furniture , wallpaper , carpets , windows , doors , cornice work , whole room decorations , in short everything outside and inside , every fixed and movable part of the house , even the entire house can be purchased ready - made in the marketplace 家具、墻紙、地毯、窗戶、門、裝檐口的工作,整個房間的裝飾、里里外外每個細小的東西、房子每個固定和可以移動的部分、甚至整個房子都可以在市場中買現成的。

The aggregate ground floor area of all buildings on the lot , including accessory buildings but excluding unroofed terraces and steps and cornices , eaves or gutters projecting not more than thirty ( 30 ) inches , expressed as a percentage of the lot area 基地上主體建筑和附屬建筑所占土地面積的總和,以占基地面積百分比形式表示,不包括無頂露臺、臺階和外凸小于30英寸的飛檐、屋檐及導水溝。

Furniture , wallpaper , carpets , windows , doors , cornice work , whole room decorations , in short everything outside and inside , every fixed and movable part of the house , even the entire house can be purchased ready - made in the marketplace 家具、墻紙、地毯、窗、門、門楣、所有的房間裝飾物,一句話里里外外,一切固定的和可移動的部件,甚至于整棟房子都可以在市場上買到成品。

Furniture , wallpaper , carpets , windows , doors , cornice work , whole room decorations , in short everything outside and inside , every fixed and movable part of the house , even the entire house can be purchased ready - made in the marketplace 家具、墻紙、地毯、門窗、房檐、室內裝潢,房子室內室外,固定的和移動的,甚至整套成品房都已在市場上交易。

A second group of artists disposed themselves on these long appendages , then a third above these , then a fourth , until a human monument reaching to the very cornices of the theatre soon arose on top of the noses 接著,搭第二層的演員走了過來,在他們的鼻尖上躺下了第三層演員跟著躺在第二層演員的鼻尖上,第四層演員也是依法炮制。

With advanced technology and high - quality material , we produce all kinds of european - style components , including roman - style column , cornice , frieze , doorcase decoration , mushroom rock , etc 本廠采用先進生產工藝和材料,直接生產各種型號、樣式的歐式配件,包括羅馬柱、檐線、腰線、門套、山花線、文化石、蘑菇石等幾十類數百種產品。

Boys from high school are perched on the lampposts , telegraph poles , windowsills , cornices , gutters , chimneypots , railings , rainspouts , whistling and cheering . the pillar of the cloud appears 高中的男生們蹲在街燈柱電線桿窗口檐口檐槽煙囪頂管欄桿和排水管上,又是吹口哨,又是歡呼出現了云柱205 。

Perhaps it is healthier to live in a community where , when a cornice falls , you feel the blow ; where , when the governor passes , you see at any rate his hat 也許,個人生活在一個這樣的社區更為健康:當屋檐墜落,應當感覺就像砸在自己頭上一樣;當州長路過,至少能見到他的帽子。

I wandered , on a moonlight night , through the grass - grown enclosure within : here i stumbled over a marble hearth , and there over a fallen fragment of cornice 在一個月光如水的夜晚,我漫步穿過里面雜草叢生的圍場。一會兒這里絆著了大理石火爐,一會兒那里碰到了倒地的斷梁。

Perhaps it is healthier to live in a community where , when a cornice falls , you feel the blow ; where , when the governor passes , you see at any rate his hat 當一塊檐口掉落時,你會感覺被打中;當州長經過時,你至少看得見他的帽子;生活在這樣一個社區,也許才更加健康吧。

At last the sledge turned to the right into the approach , rostov saw the familiar cornice with the broken plaster overhead , the steps , the lamp - post 后來那輛雪橇向右轉,開到了門口,羅斯托夫看見了灰泥已經脫落的屋檐臺階人行道上的柱子。

Some days later they attempted chogolisa , but it was buhls last mountain , near the summit he fell through a cornice to his death 幾天以后他們嘗試攀登喬戈里薩峰,但是這是布爾最后的山峰了,在接近峰頂的時候,他墜入一個雪檐,死了。

We frequently see on pendulum clocks , for example , two soldiers propped over a cornice playing dice or cards , or even sleeping 例如,我們經常可以看到,在鐘樓上,兩個士兵倚著門擲色子或打撲克,甚至睡覺。

We frequently see on pendulum clocks , for example , two soldiers propped over a cornice playing dice or cards , or even sleeping 比如說,我們會經常看到在鐘擺上,兩個士兵靠著門楣擲色子或打撲克,或者睡覺。

On the pavement outside , the row of gas jets flaring on the cornice of the theater cast a patch of brilliant light 劇院檐口上的一排煤氣燈發出奪目的光芒,把人行道照得雪亮。

Preformed plasterboard cornices - definitions , requirements and test methods ; german version en 14209 : 2005 預成型灰泥板檐口.定義要求和試驗辦法.德文版本en 1