
cornflower 【植物;植物學】矢車菊。


Color may also be modified by traces of iron and other metal salts and organic substances , for example cyanin is red in roses but blue in the cornflower 此外一些微量的離子,金屬鹽以及其他的有機物質也可以改變其顯色,例如花青素在玫瑰中顯紅色而在玉米花中顯藍色。

Far out in the ocean , where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower , and as clear as crystal 在那遙遠的海洋,那兒的海水藍得像最美麗的矢車菊花瓣,清澈得猶如水晶一般。 (安徒生《海的女兒》的第一句,好喜歡哦! )

From mid to the end of may , some 20 million poppies , cornflowers , and other wildflowers vie for attention 從5月的中旬到月末,大約2000萬株芙蓉紅矢車菊和其他野花等爭相斗艷。

Tell me , cornflower , 和我說說,孩子

Cornflowers are timid 矢車菊是羞怯的

It ranges from a rich , full royal blue to a deep cornflower blue 其顏色范圍從豐富的皇家藍到深矢車菊的藍。