
cornflakes 玉米渣兒。


Uring the christmas 2003 holiday , i was blessed to participate in a two - day retreat at the san jose center in california , which is home to a large aulacese - american community . to be a white snowflake among the yellow cornflakes was a fascinating cultural experience 2003年圣誕節,我有幸參加加州圣荷西小中心的禪二,當地住了許多美籍悠樂人,而我身為白色的雪片,處在黃色的玉米片中,真是有趣的文化交流經驗。

Students have to stick to pumpkin juice , orange juice at breakfast and there is also milk on the breakfast table , but obviously not for drinking ( at least it is never mentioned that any of the students does ) , probably they pour it over the cornflakes 學生們早餐時只能喝南瓜汁、橙汁,當然早餐也有牛奶提供,但很明顯不是為了喝的(從來沒有一個學生被提到這樣做的) ,也許是用來泡脆玉米片喝的。

When my father says loudly in ntuc fairprice s cereal section , shall we buy concrete for breakfast tomorrow , my siblings and i always laugh and say it s cornflakes . he just gives a goofy smile and we love that 當爸爸在職總超級市場大聲的問: “要不要買‘ concrete ’當明天的早餐? ”我們都會笑著說: “是‘ cornflakes ’ 。 ”爸爸就會對著我們傻笑,讓我們覺得他可愛極了。

Cornflakes , like coca - cola and french fries , became not only one of the salient characteristics of american culture but also a breakfast standby that invaded the rest of the world 玉米片,就像可口可樂和炸薯條一樣,不僅成為美國文化最顯著的特征之一,而且也改變了世界上其他一些地區的飲食習慣。

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 放兩匙糖的脆玉米片,外加華夫餅干和楓糖,這樣的含糖食品血糖負荷高,因此導致人們在臨近中午時表現出精神倦怠、萎靡不振的樣子。

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 蔗糖類食物,比如含兩調羹糖的玉米片,再搭配上華夫餅干和楓蜜,會產生高血糖負荷并導致在上午稍晚些的時候血糖水平降低。

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 比如脆玉米片加上兩勺糖,配合華夫餅干和糖楓汁等糖類食品含有高血糖負荷量,會導致一上午的表現處于消沉狀態。

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 含糖類食物,如加兩匙糖的玉米片,再配上華夫餅干和楓蜜,會產生高血糖負荷并導致在早上稍遲時候精神狀態下降

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 含糖類食物,如脆玉米片外加兩勺子糖,伴著蛋奶烘餅和槭樹汁,含有高gl并不適合于明天早上的營養配置。

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 含糖類食物,如含兩匙糖的烘餅,以及一蛋奶烘餅和楓糖漿都具有很高的血糖負荷,會至使晨晚業績降低。

Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high gl and led to a slump in performance by late morning 含糖食物,如在玉米片中加2勺糖,加上華服餅干和甜醬,含有高的gl ,會減緩作用直到中午。

The person responsible for the great american custom of having cornflakes for breakfast was the vegetarian health faddist john harvey kellogg 美國人早餐吃玉米片這一習俗最早是由約翰哈維凱洛格發起的。他是一個素食主義者,健康的狂熱追求者。

Breakfast in the dining room consisted of stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast ( ps3 ) 第二天在餐廳的早餐是發霉的玉米片和冷的罐頭馬鈴薯夾吐司( 《哈利波特與魔法石》第三章) 。

Sift the flour mixture into the butter . then add the cornflakes and mixed candied fruit and mix well 篩入面粉混合,然后加入玉米片和果肉,拌至完全均勻。

Unless , of course , you live in a world without cars , air conditioners and cornflakes 當然,除非你生活在一個沒有汽車,沒有空調,沒有脆玉米片的世界。

Like an own - brand box of cornflakes : he ' s going to let you down my friend 就像一盒雜牌的脆玉米片:他最終會帶你走向崩潰,我的朋友!

Cornflakes are ending up today , so i ' m throwing all that ' s left in the bowl . 玉米片今天要吃完了于是我把剩下的全倒進了碗里

Cornflakes are ending up today , so i ' m throwing all that ' s left in the bowl 玉米片今天要吃完了于是我把剩下的全倒進了碗里

Lily : i ' ll have cornflakes 莉莉:我要吃玉米片。