
cornfield 稻田;麥田;玉米田。


In other words , whether alibaba , baidu , allyes , no one can refuse an unlimited extension of the regal point , ali and her mother is a response to this market opening up new routes , and network ceo cornfield ants that ali mother positioning can attack and defend , the main aim is baidu , right baidu union is not a small impact 換句話說,無論是阿里巴巴、百度、好耶,任何一家都不可能拒絕無限延展的長尾指向,而阿里媽媽也就是針對這一市場開出新路,而螞蟻網ceo麥田也認為,阿里媽媽定位可攻可守,主要瞄準的是百度,會對百度聯盟有不小的沖擊。

A christmas frost had come at midsummer ; a white december storm had whirled over june ; ice glazed the ripe apples , drifts crushed the blowing roses ; on hayfield and cornfield lay a frozen shroud : lanes which last night blushed full of flowers , to - day were pathless with untrodden snow ; and the woods , which twelve hours since waved leafy and fragrant as groves between the tropics , now spread , waste , wild , and white as pine - forests in wintry norway . my hopes were all dead - struck with a subtle doom , such as , in one night , fell on all the first - born in the land of egypt 圣誕的霜凍在仲夏就降臨十二月的白色風暴六月里便刮得天旋地轉冰凌替成熟的蘋果上了釉彩積雪摧毀了怒放的玫瑰干草田和玉米地里覆蓋著一層冰凍的壽衣昨夜還姹紫嫣紅的小巷,今日無人踩踏的積雪已經封住了道路十二小時之前還樹葉婆娑香氣撲鼻猶如熱帶樹叢的森林,現在已經白茫茫一片荒蕪,猶如冬日挪威的松林,我的希望全都熄滅了受到了微妙致命的一擊,就像埃及的長子一夜之間所受到的一樣。

Wintry weather was already setting in , the morning frosts hardened the earth drenched by the autumn rains . already the grass was full of tufts , and stood out bright green against the patches of brown winter cornland trodden by the cattle , and the pale yellow stubble of the summer cornfields , and the reddish strips of buckwheat 那時已是初寒時節,早晨的嚴寒封住了被秋雨淋得烏黑油亮的土地,秋播作物的幼苗長得茂盛,一條條被牲口踩得變成褐色的越冬麥地淡黃色的春播作物的麥莊和紅色的蕎麥地,和那茂密的秋播作物分隔開來,呈現著一片綠油油的顏色。

The changing procedure of soil water infiltration capacities is in keeping with second - degree polynomial change functions in cornfield , sesame field and fallow field and with quartic - degree polynomial change functions in wheat field in unfrozen phase , the changing process of soil water infiltration capacities suit second - degree polynomial change functions in various husbandry condition in frozen phase 在非凍結期,玉米地、芝麻地和休閑地的土壤水分入滲能力的變化過程符合二次多項式變化規律,小麥地的土壤水分入滲能力符合四次多項式變化規律;在凍結期,無論是哪種耕作條件土壤水分入滲能力符合二次多項式變化規律。

Recent studies of milkweed plants in and around the cornfields of maryland nebraska and ontario report far lower levels of bt pollen ranging from just six to 78 grains of bt corn pollen per square centimeter of milkweed leaf surface 最近在美國馬里蘭州內布拉斯加州和加拿大安大略省的玉米田所作的研究發現,不管在田里或附近,馬利筋葉片上的玉米花粉粒更少,每平方公分只有6 78顆。

All the valley at my right hand was full of pasture - fields , and cornfields , and wood ; and a glittering stream ran zigzag through the varied shades of green , the mellowing grain , the sombre woodland , the clear and sunny lea 我左側的山谷滿眼都是牧地玉米地和樹林。一條閃光的小溪彎彎曲曲地流過深淺各異的綠蔭,流過正在成熟的稻谷,暗淡的樹林,明凈而充滿陽光的草地。

Wild cotton for instance creeps past the florida keys across the gulf of mexico and into mexico . in south america a weedy corn relative teosinte dresses the edges of domesticated cornfields 舉例來說,野生棉花已經蔓延過弗羅里達群島,橫越墨西哥灣進入墨西哥在南美洲的玉米田周圍,長著它們的野生親戚,蜀黍。

But of all ruddy things that morning the brightest were two broad arms of painted wood , which rose from the margin of a yellow cornfield hard by marlott village 不過那天早晨,在所有的紅色物體中,最紅的物體要算兩根被漆成紅色的寬木頭支架,它們都被豎在緊靠著馬洛特村的一塊金黃色麥地邊上。

He was overborne in a cornfield first ryefield , i should say and he will never be a victor in his own eyes after nor play victoriously the game of laugh and lie down 首先,他曾被壓翻在麥田可以說是裸麥地里。打那以后,他在自己眼中再也不是贏者了,更不能在笑而躺下的游戲247中取勝。

About an hour later the toronto urban sprawl receded , replaced by verdant orchards , vineyards and cornfields . and the abundant charm of southwestern ontario emerged 大約一小時后,多倫多市區就落在車后,翠綠的果園、葡萄園與玉米田呈現在眼前,安大略西南部的迷人魅力映入眼簾。

The greyeyed goddess who bends over the boy adonis , stooping to conquer , as prologue to the swelling act , is a boldfaced stratford wench who tumbles in a cornfield a lover younger than herself 這就是厚臉皮的斯特拉特福蕩婦,她曾把比自己年輕的情人137壓翻在麥田里138 。 ”

Based on the experimental data from cornfields , this paper compared the daily change of evapotranspiration calculated by bowen ratio energy balance and that calculated by lysimeter 摘要根據實測資料,對波文比計算的蒸發蒸騰量和蒸滲儀實測的蒸發蒸騰量日變化進行比較及分析。

And right here and now , liqin , you are going through your cornfield . however , the difference is that your fans are watching for you . best wishes to you forever 而你,勵勤,正在穿越你的玉米地,你跟別人的不同之處在于,勤迷永遠為你守候,勤迷永遠為你祝福!

The cornfield experiment showed that pam could significantly reduce runoff and increase infiltration of rainwater and increase soil water content 田間試驗表明, pam能夠有效地減少土壤表面的徑流量,增加土壤的降雨入滲, pam覆蓋率越高越有利于降雨的入滲。

Mornings before daylight i slipped into cornfields and borrowed a watermelon , or a mushmelon , or a punkin , or some new corn , or things of that kind 一清早,天大亮前,我便溜進玉米田,借一只西瓜或是甜瓜,或是南瓜,或者幾個剛熟的玉米,諸如此類。

The convention included former presidented bill clinton and what the organizers called the world ' s largest indoor cornfield 大會出席者有前總統克林頓,會議還展示了大會組織者宣稱的世界最大室內玉米地。

The convention included former president bill clinton and what the organizers called the world ' s largest indoor cornfield 此次大會邀請到了前總統比爾克林頓并展出了被組織者成為世界最大的室內玉米地。

The convention included former president bill clinton and what the organizers called the world ' s largest indoor cornfield 大會還包括美國前總統比爾克林頓,以及會議組織者稱作世界最大的室內玉米田。

The convention included former president bill clinton and what the organizers called the world ' s largest indoor cornfield 大會包括了前總統比爾?克林頓還有被稱為世界上最大的室內玉米田的組織者。