
cornet n.1.【音樂】(有音栓的)短號〔又名cornet-àp...


He felt sorry to see the excited face of ilyin , who talked a great deal nervously . he knew by experience the agonising state of anticipation of terror and of death , in which the cornet was plunged , and he knew that nothing but time could help him out of it 他不忍心去看伊林那激動不安的臉,就是那個話興很多心神不平的伊林,憑經驗他知道這個騎兵少尉正處于等待恐懼和死亡的痛苦狀態,他也知道,除了時間,現在沒有什么東西可以幫助他。

The cornet of hussars , the officer of kutuzovs suite , who had mimicked the general , fell back from the carriage and rode up to dolohov . the cornet of hussars , zherkov , had at one time belonged to the fast set in petersburg , of which dolohov had been the leader 庫圖佐夫的侍從中的一名驃騎兵少尉曾經模仿團長的姿態,引起一場哄笑,這時候,他落在馬車后面,向多洛霍夫跟前奔馳而去。

Therefore at that time , when all the people heard the sound of the cornet , flute , harp , sackbut , psaltery , and all kinds of musick , all the people , the nations , and the languages , fell down and worshipped the golden image that nebuchadnezzar the king had set up 7因此各方,各國,各族的人民一聽見角,笛,琵琶,琴,瑟,和各樣樂器的聲音,就都俯伏敬拜尼布甲尼撒王所立的金像。

Well , i dont know , colonel , who to , answered the cornet , seriously , only the prince commanded me : ride and tell the colonel the hussars are to make haste back and burn the bridge “上校,我也不知道是向誰頒布的命令, ”騎兵少尉一本正經地回答, “公爵只是命令我:騎馬去告訴上校,要驃騎兵快點退回來,把橋梁燒掉。 ”

And david and all the house of israel played before the lord on all manner of instruments made of fir wood , even on harps , and on psalteries , and on timbrels , and on cornets , and on cymbals 撒下6 : 5大衛和以色列的全家、在耶和華面前用松木制造的各樣樂器、和琴、瑟、鼓、鈸、鑼、作樂跳舞。

Rostov had just been celebrating his commission as a cornet ; he had bought denisovs horse bedouin , too , and was in debt all round to his comrades and the canteen keepers 不久前羅斯托夫慶賀他提升為騎兵少尉,他向杰尼索夫買到一匹叫做“貝杜英”的戰馬,欠了伙伴和隨軍商販的錢,渾身是債。

Thus all israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the lord with shouting , and with sound of the cornet , and with trumpets , and with cymbals , making a noise with psalteries and harps 代上15 : 28這樣、以色列眾人歡呼吹角、吹號、敲鈸、鼓瑟、彈琴、大發響聲、將耶和華的約柜抬上來。

In the military , harry is known by the surname wales and by his rank in the blues and royals ? that of cornet , equivalent to a second lieutenant 在軍隊,哈里王子以威爾士及其在皇家騎兵衛隊?皇家海軍陸戰隊裝甲團的相當于第二中尉的軍銜被人們知曉。

In the military , harry is known by the surname wales and by his rank in the blues and royals that of cornet , equivalent to a second lieutenant 在軍隊,哈里王子以威爾士及其在皇家騎兵衛隊皇家海軍陸戰隊裝甲團的相當于第二中尉的軍銜被人們知曉。

“ speculation about precisely where cornet wales will serve , or the exact details of his role , is potentially dangerous , “ the joint statement said 聯合聲明表示, “任何關于王子征戰的具體地點和職位的相關細節揣測都會給可能帶來危險。 ”

“ speculation about precisely where cornet wales will serve , or the exact details of his role , is potentially dangerous , “ the joint statement said 聯合聲明表示, “任何關于王子征戰的具體地點和職位的相關細節揣測都會給可能帶來危險。 ”

Armstrong showed a great talent ( 天賦 ) for music when he was taught to play the cornet ( 短號 ) at a boy ' s home 阿姆斯特郎在一個男孩家里學習演奏短號的時候,就已經表現出了他非凡的音樂天賦。

Blow ye the cornet in gibeah , and the trumpet in ramah : cry aloud at beth - aven , after thee , o benjamin 何5 : 8你們當在基比亞吹角、在拉瑪吹號、在伯亞文吹出大聲、說、便雅憫哪、有仇敵在你后頭。

Blow ye the cornet in gibeah , and the trumpet in ramah : cry aloud at bethaven , after thee , o benjamin 8你們當在基比亞吹角,在拉瑪吹號,在伯亞文吹出大聲,說,便雅憫哪,有仇敵在你后頭。

During the 1920s , louis armstrong became famous for his performances on the trumpet and jazz cornet 20世紀20年代,路易斯?阿姆斯特朗的小號和爵士短號演奏讓他一舉成名。

In 1915 , he got first cornet and was soon known around new orleans as formidable 1915年,他擔任首席短號手,很快就享譽新奧爾良,被人們認為無人可比。

With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the lord , the king 詩98 : 6用號和角聲、在大君王耶和華面前歡呼。

Voltigeurs had drummers and cornets , both of which are represented here 尖兵中也配有鼓手和號手,在這套兵人中都有所表現。

With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the lord , the king 6用號和角聲,在大君王耶和華面前歡呼。