
corner n.1.(桌等的)角,棱,隅。2.天涯海角,僻遠地方;偏...


His corner advised him to retire . 教練員建議他退場。

Follow this road to the corner . 順著這條路到轉角處。

He was fairly and rightly cornered . 他被打中了要害。

Tom sulked in a corner . 湯姆在一個角落里繃著臉生氣。

He felt himself cornered . 他感到自己已無回旋余地了。

Every nook and corner wants a mighty sweeping . 每一個角落都需要進行徹底的大掃除。

She rounded off the corners of the table with sandpaper . 她用砂紙把桌角打磨光了。

He sat in a corner and said nothing all evening . 他坐在角落里,整晚一句話也沒說。

Good times are just round the corner . 好日子近在眼前。

They've got me in a corner ! 他們已經逼得我進退不得了!

Suddenly from the corner two voices were heard . 忽然,從角落里傳來兩個人的聲音。

Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door . 把衣柜放在對著門的那個角落里。

Perhaps you may have a friend in the corner already . 也許你私下里已經有了朋友。

I was exile to the farthest corner of the kingdom . 我是被放逐到王國最遠的角落。

This outcome was still just around the corner . 這一結局在當時還是即將來到的事。

Milo cornered the market on cotton . 邁洛壟斷了棉花市場。

You took that corner much too fast . 你拐的那個彎太快了。

Our little corner shop is no longer profitable . 我們這個街頭小店已賺不到錢了。

Her fame has reached the most far-flung corners of the globe . 她已名揚四海。