
cornell n.科內爾〔姓氏〕。


Students listen to a lecture on the cornell system , a complete system for note - taking . as they listen they practise taking notes 學生先在康奈爾體系(一個用于作筆記的完善體系)上邊聽講課內容,邊練習作筆記。

Young , oran . “ international cooperation : building regimes for natural resources and the environment . “ cornell university press , 1989 國際合作:建立自然資源與環境的管理制度,康乃爾大學出版, 1989年。

Soon after he arrived at harvard , he angered minority groups by criticizing cornell west , a well - known black studies professor 他到哈佛大學不久,因批評一位著名的黑人教授韋斯特而激怒了相關的小團體。

I chose to go clear across the country to cornell university in upstate new york to become a physicist . that was my dream , you see 但我想成為一位物理學家,遠超過世上一切,沒有任何人任何事比這更重要

Cornell does the best job as matching the roommates . sophomore year and be on , most students move to off - campus housing 康奈爾大學在調配室友方面做的最好。大二之后,大多數的學生都會搬到校外住宿。

Fitzgerald , deborah k . the business of breeding : hybrid corn in illinois 1890 - 1940 . cornell university press , 1990 《培育的商業化:伊利諾伊州的雜交玉米1890 - 1940 》 。康耐爾大學出版社, 1990 。

2 soon after he arrived at harvard , he angered minority groups by criticizing cornell west , a well - known black studies professor 本周藝術與科學學院期待著對領導不支持這種做法采取行動。

Tsai , kellee . back - alley banking : private entrepreneurs in china . ithaca : cornell univ . press , 2002 蔡凱莉, 《銀行業務的背后管道:私有企業家在中國》 ,綺色佳:康乃爾大學, 2002年。

On diagnosing java code . eric allen has an a . b . in computer science and mathematics from cornell university Eric allen畢業于cornell大學,曾獲得計算機科學和數學的學士學位。

On bug patterns . eric allen has an a . b . in computer science and mathematics from cornell university Eric allen畢業于cornell大學,曾獲得計算機科學及數學的學士學位。

Eswar prasad , an economist at cornell university , says this argument has it completely backwards 康奈爾大學[ 10 ]的經濟學家埃斯華.普拉薩德表示這種論點是完全顛倒的。

He obtained his bs , meng and phd in electrical engineering from cornell university , usa 他肄業于美國康乃爾大學,主修電機工程學,并留校修讀碩士及博士學位。

Cornell is composed of seven undergraduate colleges , and all of them required tons of hard work 康奈爾大學由7個本科生院組成,所有的課程都要求相當刻苦的學習。

Yeah . or dn hess just told taylor that her chances areetter at cornell than dartmouth 是啊,又或者是hess主任在告訴taylor她被cornell錄取的機會比dartmouth大

Novak , joseph d . “ the theory of concept maps and how to design them . “ cornell university 喬瑟夫d挪瓦克《概念圖的理論以及如何架構》康瓦爾大學。

Cornell university : i would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study 康奈爾大學:讓任何人都能在這里學到想學的科目。

So students properly will be spending a lot of time in one of cornell ' s famous libraries 所以學生們極有可能在康奈爾著名的圖書館中花上大量時間。

In many cases says cornell ecologist allison power we know gene flow will occur 康乃爾大學的生態學者包爾說: “很多案例顯示,基因流通終將發生。

They say cornell is the easiest ivy league to get into , but the hardest to stay in 人們說康奈爾大學是常春藤盟校中最容易進的,但是是最難待的。