
cornelius n.科尼利厄斯〔男子名〕。


Acts 10 : 22 and they said , cornelius , a centurion , a righteous man and one who fears god and is well attested to by the whole nation of the jews , was divinely instructed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and hear words from you 徒十22他們說,百夫長哥尼流是個義人,敬畏神,為猶太全國所稱贊,他蒙一位圣天使指示,叫他請你到他家里去,并聽你的話。

It was ascertained that the reference was to mr cornelius kelleher , manager of messrs h . j . o neill s popular funeral establishment , a personal friend of the defunct , who had been responsible for the carrying out of the interment arrangements 據悉,這里指的是科尼利厄斯152凱萊赫。他是死者的私人朋友,也是有名氣的h j奧尼爾殯儀館經理,喪事就是他經辦的。

And they said , cornelius , a centurion , a righteous man and one who fears god and is well attested to by the whole nation of the jews , was divinely instructed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and hear words from you 22他們說,百夫長哥尼流是個義人,敬畏神,為猶太全國所稱贊,他蒙一位圣天使指示,叫他請你到他家里去,并聽你的話。

And they said , cornelius the centurion , a just man , and one that feareth god , and of good report among all the nation of the jews , was warned from god by an holy angel to send for thee into his house , and to hear words of thee 22他們說,百夫長哥尼流是個義人,敬畏神,為猶太通國所稱贊,他蒙一位圣天使指示,叫他請你到他家里去,聽你的話。

And they said , cornelius , a captain , an upright and god - fearing man , respected by all the nation of the jews , had word from god by an angel to send for you to his house , and to give hearing to your words 他們說、百夫長哥尼流是個義人、敬畏神、為猶太通國所稱贊、他蒙一位圣天使指示、叫他請你到他家里去、聽你的話。

Cornelius fudge : the ministry of magic is pleased to announce the appointment of dolores jane umbridge as high inquisitor , to address the falling standards at hogwarts school 康奈利?福吉:魔法部很高興地宣布,多洛雷斯?簡?烏姆里奇將出任高級調查官,挽救霍格沃茨正在下降的整體水準。

The ministry of magic was reponsible for the unfair journalism of that summer as cornelius fudge strove to discredit dumbledore ' s account of the return of voldemort 魔法部應該對那個夏天的不公正的報導負責,因為康奈利?福吉奮力于質疑鄧布利多認為伏地魔已經歸來的理由。

And the morrow after they entered into caesarea . and cornelius waited for them , and had called together his kinsmen and near friends 24次日起身和他們同去,還有約帕的幾個弟兄同著他去。又次日,他們進入凱撒利亞。哥尼流已經請了他的親屬密友,等候他們。

Antoninus himself was born at an estate at lanuvium on the thirteenth day before the kalends of october in the twelfth consulship of domitian and first of cornelius dolabella 安東尼生于9月19日,那年圖密善第十二次,克勒留斯?圖拉伯那首次任執政官。

Gwt : the spirit told me to go with them without any hesitation . six believers from joppa went with me , and we visited cornelius ' home 新譯本:圣靈吩咐我跟他們一起去,一點也不要疑惑。這六位弟兄也跟我一起去,我們就進了那人的家。

Acts 10 : 24 and on the next day they entered into caesarea . and cornelius was awaiting them , having called together his relatives and intimate friends 徒十24又次日,他們進入該撒利亞,哥尼流已經召齊了他的親屬密友,等候他們。

Acts 10 : 3 he saw clearly in a vision around the ninth hour of the day an angel of god coming in to him and saying to him , cornelius 徒十3有一天,約在午后三時,他在異象中,清楚看見神的一位使者來到他那里,對他說,哥尼流。

Acts 10 : 3 he saw clearly in a vision around the ninth hour of the day an angel of god coming in to him and saying to him , cornelius 徒十3有一天,約在午后三時,他在異象中,清楚看見神的一位使者來到他那?堙a對他說,哥尼流。

Coors u . k . and imi cornelius in anoka , minn . , plan to introduce a fast - tap system , too , although they remain tight - lipped 英國的酷爾斯和美國明尼蘇達州的imi科尼利亞斯也正推出快速分裝系統,但是目前還不愿透露細節。

[ bbe ] he saw in a vision , clearly , at about the ninth hour of the day , an angel of the lord coming to him and saying to him , cornelius 有一天、約在申初、他在異象中、明明看見神的一個使者進去、到他那里、說、哥尼流。

A rendering of cornelius in this setup , with osa = 8 and shadows enabled , gives the result in simple light spot set up . . the result is ugly 8并且激活陰影時科尼利厄斯的渲染,效果見簡單聚光燈照明構件。 。結果很難看。

One day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision . he distinctly saw an angel of god , who came to him and said , “ cornelius ! 3有一天,約在申初,他在異象中,明明看見神的一個使者進去,到他那里,說,哥尼流。

And on the next day they entered into caesarea . and cornelius was awaiting them , having called together his relatives and intimate friends 24又次日,他們進入該撒利亞,哥尼流已經召齊了他的親屬密友,等候他們。

He saw in a vision , clearly , at about the ninth hour of the day , an angel of the lord coming to him and saying to him , cornelius 有一天、約在申初、他在異象中、明明看見神的一個使者進去、到他那里、說、哥尼流。