
cornelia n.科妮莉亞〔女子名〕。


He had undergone some strange experiences in his absence ; he had seen the virtual faustina in the literal cornelia , a spiritual lucretia in a corporeal phryne ; he had thought of the woman taken and set in the midst as one deserving to be stoned , and of the wife of uriah being made a queen ; and he had asked himself why he had not judged tess constructively rather than biographically , by the will rather than by the deed 他這次出國,經歷了一些奇怪的遭遇他從字面上的柯勒麗亞身上,看到了實質上的芳絲蒂娜,從肉體上的佛瑞麗身上,看到了精神上的魯克里婭他想到了那個被抓來站在眾人之中的那個女人,那是一個應該被石頭砸死的女人,他也想到了后來做了王后的烏利亞的妻子。

One only haso lo t at cornelia 一看那個苦瓜臉的科妮莉婭

You know my daughter , cornelia 介紹我女兒給你認識科妮莉婭

- girl 1 : stop it . - girl 2 : oh , look cornelia -住手-哦,看呀,科妮莉亞

- girl 1 : give it . - girl 2 : i got cornelia ' s too -給我-科妮莉亞給我的

Girl 1 : give it . - girl 2 : i got cornelia ' s too -給我-科妮莉亞給我的

Girl 1 : stop it . - girl 2 : oh , look cornelia -住手-哦,看呀,科妮莉亞

Cornelia , your husband was a fine roman 科妮莉婭,你丈夫是個杰出的羅馬戰士

Pompey : all of you , this is my new wife , cornelia 各位,這是我的新夫人,科妮莉亞