
cornel n.【植物;植物學】山茱萸(的果實)。


Chapter 3 erected the relationship between refraction error and cornel ablation depth in theory . the paper proposed various mathematical models which can be used for proceed the simple myopia , simple hypermetropia , compund myopia astigmatism , compund hypermetropia astigmatism , simple myopia astigmatism , simple hypermetropia astigmatism , mixed astigmatism . the influence of the astigmatic axis and the degree of astigmatism on the correction field is discussed . wavefront aberration guided excimer laser cornea ablation is a main method of customised corneal ablation 以數學的方法研究出了屈光性單純近視、屈光性單純遠視、復性近視散光、復性遠視散光、單純近視散光、單純遠視散光、混合性散光屈光矯正的物理模型;并揭示了不同軸位的轉換規律,對不同散光情況下的初始角膜兩個不同方向的曲率半徑和手術后最終的曲率半徑作了定量的研究。

Our company is a foreign - sino co - operative enterprise which has two production bases , six sales agents and the products sell well in the whole country . the main prodncts are hickory nut , seed core of sunflowers and health soft drink of fruit of medicinal cornel 本公司是一家中外合作企業,下設二個生產基地,六個經銷和代理處,產品遍布全國各地。主要生產經營山核桃,瓜子仁系列配機產品及山茱萸保健飲品,本公司產品選料考究,以傳統的加工工藝輔之現代科學技術精心加工而成,產品包裝精美,品種風味各異。

The fruit of medicinal cornel is one of chinese traditional medicine , which contains rich mineral elements , such as aminoacids , sugars , organic alcohol and various vitamins that have special treatment to many disease 山茱萸是我國傳統珍貴的中藥材,含有豐富的礦物元素,氨基酸,多種糖,有機酸,維生素等營養成份和藥用成份,具特殊功能和顯著療效。

The current state and the development strategies on cornel production in henan province 河南省山茱萸生產現狀及發展對策