
cornea n.【解剖學】角膜。 cornea transplant...


In this case , mouse bone marrow stem cells grew into cells that produce the cornea protein keratocan 在這種情況下,老鼠骨髓干細胞長成能夠產生眼角膜蛋白質的細胞。

Suitable organs or tissues include kidneys , liver , heart , lungs , corneas , skin and bones 適宜作為移植用途的器官或組織包括眼角膜心臟肺腎臟肝臟皮膚及骨骼等。

Prk was the first surgical procedure developed to reshape the cornea , by sculpting , using a laser 光性折射角膜切削術使用激光塑形,它是最早的重塑角膜的外科手術。

Bleeding , cataract , glaucoma , ulcer of the cornea , and atrophy of the optic nerve , etc 用于視網膜病變,眼底出血,白內障,青光眼,角膜潰瘍,視神經萎縮等。

The cornea is the thin clear covering of the eye that is over the iris , the colored part of the eye 角膜是虹膜上面的眼上的清、薄的覆蓋物,眼的有色部分。

Effects of different incision on preexisting cornea astigmatism during phacoemulcification 超聲乳化白內障摘出術中不同切口矯正術前角膜散光的比較研究

Performing a refractive procedure on a cornea that is too thin may result in blinding complications 施于過薄的角膜的屈光手術可能導致致盲并發癥。

In rk , a very sharp hnife is used to cut slits in the cornea changing its shape 放射狀角膜切開術使用鋒利的刀在角膜上割開狹長的切口來改變其形狀。

A two - year - old boy donated his cornea , leaving behind him a new life of brightness 一位兩歲的男孩把自己的眼角膜捐獻了出來,身后留下光明和新生。

A controlled removal of tissue takes place and the cornea is reshaped 然后,將稱為準分子激光excimer laser的紫外光激光投射于處于下面的角膜。

At present all corneas used in transplants have been donated by cadaveric donors in hong kong 目前用來移植的眼角膜都是由本地病逝者捐出。

Vision is not affected unless there is scarring of the cornea after the infection 除非連眼球前方的角膜也感染并結疤,否則視力不會受影響。

Vacuum freeze - drying process of rabbit corneas and the viability assessment of endothelium 兔角膜真空冷凍干燥工藝及凍干角膜活性檢測

Choristoma of cornea 角膜迷芽瘤

Blood staining of cornea 角膜血染

A immunohistochemical study of rabbit cornea after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy 術后角膜創面的免疫組織化學研究

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea , the front part of the eye 角膜炎是眼部的角膜出現炎癥,而角膜則位于眼球的前端。

This time medication and ointment were given for his cornea ulcer and cat flu ,聽到貓瘟這兩個字,簡直是魂飛魄散,貓瘟?

Cloudy cornea syndrome 角膜混濁綜合征