
corn n.1.谷粒;(胡椒等的)子;谷類,谷物。2.一個地區的...

corn ball

Every stream had its mills , not only for grinding corn , but for all the other industrial processes of the time , such as fulling cloth . 每條溪流都有磨坊,這些磨坊不僅用于磨谷,也用于當時的所有其他工業加工,如漂漿布匹。

I reproached myself with my easiness, that i would not sow any more corn one year than would just serve me till the next season . 我痛責自己偷懶,不肯多種一些糧食,只圖能夠接得上下一季就算了。

Every stream had its mills , not only for grinding corn , but for all the other industrial processes of the time . 每條溪流都有磨坊,這些磨坊不僅用于磨谷,也用于當時的所有其他工業加工。

He compared the yield of solid plantings of corn and soybeans with alternating strips of the two crops . 他把玉米和大豆單一種植的產量和把兩種作物交互條播的產量進行了比較。

He came to doctor our mare when she ate green corn and swelled up most as big as the water-tank . 有一次,我們的母馬吃玉蜀黍穗太多,肚脹得象個水箱,他還去給她治病呢。

The young green corn spread smoothly over the fields, and the trees burst into leaf a month before time . 綠油油的麥苗平展地蓋滿了田野,樹木也提前一個月抽出葉芽。

The success of this particular technique depends very much on the floral biology of the corn plant . 這種特殊技術的成功,在很大程序上依靠了玉米的開花生物學特性。

Corning is accomplished by breaking up the press cakes into grains, usually in roll corning mills . 造粒通常是在輥子造粒機中將壓餅破碎成粒完成的。

A soft ripple of wind flowed over the corn and brought a puff of warm air into their faces . 柔和的微風吹過莊稼,一股熱氣向他們迎面撲來。

Corn is one of the best indicators for nitrogen deficiency among the field-crop plants . 玉米是大多數大田作物中缺氮的最好的指示植物。

An ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summer, to dry it . 一只螞蟻拖出夏天貯存的一些谷子來曬。

Fortunately, not all these properties are of importance to every corn user . 好在不是所有這些特性對每一家玉米用戶都重要。

Producing hybrid corn is a lengthy process which must be done by hand . 生產雜交玉米是一個漫長的過程,要靠手工勞作。

They had argued about the corn pipe and she had just gone away . 他們過去為了玉米莖做的煙斗吵過嘴,她也離家出走過。

Wet-shelled corn can be safely stored in air-tight storage units . 脫粒的濕玉米可以安全地貯存在密閉的貯藏設備里。

Farmers traditionally used long-term rotations of hay, pasture, and corn . 農民以往長期實行干草、牧草和玉米輪作。

She passed through the old cotton and went into a field of dead corn . 她穿過凋零的棉地,來到一塊枯萎的玉米田。

The sky was blue, the larks was soaring high over the green corn . 長天一片澄藍,碧綠的莊稼上云雀凌空穿飛。

We can easily raise plenty of corn and rapeseed in the fields . 我們很容易在田間收獲大量谷類及油菜子。