
cormorant n.1.【動物;動物學】鸕鶿,鵜鶘,水老鴉。2.貪吃的(...


Some 160 species of waterbirds , such as ducks , gulls , egrets , herons , shorebirds and cormorants , have been recorded in hong kongs wetlands , particularly around mai po and inner deep bay where some 54 , 000 waterbirds may be recorded in winter . they are certainly not only found in the mai po nature reserve as seems to be assumed by some 專家曾錄得160個水鳥品種在香港濕地,尤其是米埔與內后海灣鄰近范圍出現,當中包括野鴨鷗類白鷺蒼鷺濱鳥和鸕,單在冬季,該區已錄得超過54 , 000頭。

One gleam of light lifted into relief a half - submerged mast , on which sat a cormorant , dark and large , with wings flecked with foam ; its beak held a gold bracelet set with gems , that i had touched with as brilliant tints as my palette could yield , and as glittering distinctness as my pencil could impart 束微光把半沉的桅桿映照得輪廓分明,桅桿上棲息著一只又黑又大的鸕鶿,翅膀上沾著斑駁的泡沫,嘴里銜著一只鑲嵌了寶石的金手鐲,我給手鐲抹上了調色板所能調出的最明亮的色澤,以及我的鉛筆所能勾劃出的閃閃金光。

The lijiang river , which runs through the center of guilin , is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing . fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish . the cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat “翡翠之路”江起于“山水甲天下”的桂林,止于“山水甲桂林”的陽朔, 40多公里水程風光薈萃,如入山水長卷的水中畫廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,縱觀壁立千仞的峰林,飽覽深澗險灘幽洞流泉飛瀑的美景,山景水景洞景石景,使人有左右顧盼目不暇接之感。

The lijiang river , which runs through the center of guilin , is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing . fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish . the cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen ( until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat ) “翡翠之路”漓江起于“山水甲天下”的桂林,止于“山水甲桂林”的陽朔, 40多公里水程風光薈萃,如入山水長卷的水中畫廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,縱觀壁立千仞的峰林,飽覽深澗、險灘、幽洞、流泉、飛瀑的美景,山景、水景、洞景、石景,使人有左右顧盼、目不暇接之感。

Each winter , several hundred wintering cormorants roost on the trees along the edge of the lotus pond gei wai 15c . the bunds below the trees have been widened to prevent cormorant droppings falling directly into the pond , but a certain amount still falls into the water , so affecting water quality 在剛過去的冬季,在蓮花塘基圍15c平臺對岸的樹上聚集了數百只鸕鶿,雖然我們已將樹下的泥?加闊,但仍有部份鸕鶿糞便掉到水里去。

Therefore , provides an important feeding ground for chinese white dolphin pak chau ( tree island ) , a small island located closed to the western boundary of sha chau and lung kwu chau marine park , is an important night - time roost site for wintering cormorants ( phalacrocorax carbo ) in hong kong 重要的晚間棲息地點,這亦是沙洲、龍鼓洲和白洲于一九七九年九月二十日指定為具特殊科學價值地點的原因之一。

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her , all the beasts of the nations : both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it ; their voice shall sing in the windows ; desolation shall be in the thresholds : for he shall uncover the cedar work 番2 : 14群畜、就是各國的走獸、國或作類必臥在其中鵜鶘和箭豬要宿在柱頂上在窗戶內有鳴叫的聲音門檻都必毀壞香柏木已經露出。

Since there lives about 100 , 000 migratory birds , the island is called “ the kingdom of birds “ . in april , tens of kinds of migrants such as brown - headed gulls , cormorants , swans , etc . from south china , southeast asia and other places come to multiply here 這些鹽湖,有的以雪山為鄰,把連綿的山巒和皚皚的白雪倒映宛若戴上皓玉似的項圈有的表面已干涸,結成堅硬的鹽蓋,鐵路公路從上面通過。

Put out of countenance by the manner in which he thus set foot upon the new world , he uttered a loud cry , which so frightened the innumerable cormorants and pelicans that are always perched upon these movable quays , that they flew noisily away 小伙子就是用這樣狼狽的姿式踏上了美洲大陸。這時他扯高嗓門發出一聲驚人的歡呼,把一大群經常停棲在碼頭上的鸕鶿塘鵝嚇得一哄而散。

The cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat 人們到桂林游漓江,主要是從桂林乘船順流而下至陽朔這83千米的水程。這一帶峰巒聳秀,碧水如鏡,青山浮水,倒影翩翩,兩岸景色猶如百里錦繡畫廊。

During april - july each year , over a hundred thousand birds such as wild geese , cormorants , swans and ducks , migrate over from south china and southeastern asia onto this small island with less than one square kilometre 在不到一平方公里的小島上,聚集來自中國南方及東南亞的十萬多只各類候鳥,主要有斑頭雁魚歐天鵝及鴨類等。

At present , only puffins have been affected by the tree mallow ' s spread . however , researchers warn other ground - nesting seabirds could soon be affected , including herring gulls , black - backed gulls and cormorants 目前只有海雀受到花葵蔓延的影響。然而研究者警告其他地面筑巢的海鳥可能很快就會受到影響,包括銀鷗、黑背鷗和鸕? 。

Scientists have discovered the tree mallow is choking puffin breeding sites on scottish islands and have warned that the plant could soon start killing off other seabirds , such as herring gulls and cormorants 科學家發現花葵正在扼殺海雀在蘇格蘭離島上的繁殖地,并警告這種植物很快就會開始殺害其他的海鳥,如銀鷗和鸕? 。

Dr . lew young , manager of mai po marshes nature reserve of wwf hong kong said : “ it is acknowledged that some wintering waterbirds , such as cormorants , do take fish from certain fishponds 世界自然香港基金會米埔自然保護區經理楊路年博士表示:我們已知部分渡冬水鳥,如鸕鶿等的確會在特定魚塘捕魚。

But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it ; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it : and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion , and the stones of emptiness 賽34 : 11鵜鶘、箭豬、卻要得為業貓頭鷹、烏鴉、要住在其間耶和華必將空虛的準繩、混沌的線鉈、拉在其上。

In april , tens of kinds of migrants such as brown - headed gulls , cormorants , swans , etc . from south china , southeast asia and other places come to multiply here 每年四月,來自我國南方和東南亞等地的斑頭雁棕頭鷗赤麻鴨鸕鶿等十多種候鳥在這里繁衍生息。

At the end of the program , members gathered at mai po education centre to view the cormorants rested on the trees 臨近尾聲,學員在米埔教育中心遠觀樹上棲息的鷺鷥

The cormorant is a large , long - necked , dark - colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish 鸕鶿是一種長脖子黑顏色的大鳥,生活在海濱而且以吃魚為生。

Naval discipline doesn ' t operate out here , mr blakeney . i must find that cormorant 將在外君命有所不受布萊克尼先生,我得找到那鸕鶿