
corm n.【植物;植物學】球莖;群居體。


The credit crises of enterprises in china in international markets will results in many problems during the updating processes of flower species and cultivars , because seeds , corms , bulbs , seedlings of many favorable flowers sold in our country come from other countries and we have ignored the protection of knowledge property rights . those enterprises of flower breeding will meet problems with survive , bringing a series of serious effects on the whole flower industry in china because the enterprises suffer from more and more serious punishment due to knowledge property rights . the market proportions of native flowers produced by the enterprises will decrease , resulting in many serious effects on the whole flower industry in china because the enterprises are deficient of the abilities to increase the enrichment of flower species and cultivars and the qu ality of fresh cut flowers 由于我國花卉種子、種球、種苗對國外進口的高依賴性和國內對知識產權保護的普遍忽視,入世后,我國花卉種業在國際花卉界的信用問題將嚴重阻礙花卉業的品種更新進程,越來越嚴厲的侵權處罰,使從事花卉種業的企業可能遭遇到生存危機并對整個花卉業產生連鎖反應;由于國內生產的切花在品種結構和品質方面的缺陷,國內市場上國產切花的份額會受到巨大的沖擊,反過來又對國內種業產生不利的互動反應;由于我國盆景生產的方式以及有害生物的問題,綠色壁壘成為我國盆景出口的瓶頸。

Result after g . elata nutritional stems infected by a . mellea , the rhizomorph of a . mellea separate into several hyphal layers and penetrate hyphal stream which infect into the cells of cortex layer in the direction of outside and infect directly into layer cells in the direction of inside , these hypha can be used the nutrition of g . elata the new corms will be stop growth if cut off the rhizomorph of a . mellea connected with g . elata 結果蜜環菌索侵入天麻營繁莖后,分成多個分枝的菌絲通道,菌絲突破通道形成菌絲流,向外侵入皮層細胞形成菌絲結,向內直接侵入大型細胞被天麻消化作為營養;切斷天麻與菌材連接的蜜環菌索,新生麻就停止生長。

Banana seedlings inoculated with fusarium oxysporum f . sp . cubense race 4 appeared some symptoms , such as yellow leaves , browning corm tissue ( occured in the earlier period ) , wilting leaves , browning corm and pesudostem tissue , blacking roots ( occured in the middle period ) , and wilting , dying plants ( occured in the latter period ) 摘要用枯萎病菌4號生理小種接種香蕉苗后,觀察發現:香蕉苗在發病初期出現了黃葉、球莖組織變褐癥狀;發病中期出現了葉片萎蔫、球莖組織變褐、假莖可見斑點狀或線條狀褐色病變、根變黑褐癥狀;發病后期出現了植株萎蔫、枯死等癥狀。

The advantages of plantain at high population density include potential to increase yields significantly , better crop cycle planning to harvest during best market conditions , optimum use of land because one hectare of high density plantain can produce as much as 3 - 5 hectares of conventional planting , high production of good quality corms used as seed for the next cycle and intensive management resulting in a lower incidence of pests , diseases and weeds 大蕉密植的優勢在于:有顯著的增產潛力,有較好的生產周期以適應最佳市場條件,能高效利用土地(密植1公頃相當于通常的3 ~ 5公頃) ,可生產出可作為下季種子的大量優質球莖,集約管理可減少病、蟲、草害的發生。

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Contains rich natural vitamin e and special formula , can delay the cell ' s aging by oxygen , accelerate the metabolism and blood circulation , make the aged corm fall off naturally , and effectively keep the face moist 蘊含豐富的天然維他命e及特殊配方,可延緩細胞因氧化而產生的老化,促進新陳代謝、血液循環,使老化的角質自然脫落,可有效保持面部的濕潤。

By using the method of plant tissue pathogen isolation , it was found that pathogen invading injured roots could transmit upwards in banana plants , and colonized in roots , corms and pesudostems tissue of banana 采用組織病菌分離法,發現病菌從香蕉根部侵入后,由香蕉組織下部向上部傳導,并在根、球莖和假莖中穩定定殖。

These pathogenic characteristics that could cause corm tissue to bring browning reaction , lignose of cell wall to increase , and faecula granule to decrease , were also observed by using tissue sectioning 用組織切片法觀察發現病菌能使香蕉苗球莖組織產生褐變,引起細胞壁木質素增加及淀粉顆粒減少。

The stem is generally aerial and erect but various modifications are found , for example underground stems like rhizomes , bulebs , and corms , and horizontal structures , such as runners 多數的莖是氣生且直立的,但也發現了許多莖的變態,地下莖有根狀莖、鱗莖、球莖;水平的莖結構有匍匐莖。

Method observation of the serial sections on the nutritional stems of g . elata , and measure new corms of g . elata when cut off the old corms connection with rhizomorph of a . mellea 方法作天麻營繁莖連續縱切片結合橫切片觀察;在天麻生長期切斷其與菌材連接的蜜環菌索,測量新生麻生長情況。

The result indicated that the growth of root system of cyclamen persicum was evidently enhanced and increased top diameter and corm scale by way of complex substrate 結果表明,復合基質顯著促進了仙客來根系的生長,增加了冠徑和球莖大小。

All plants are eliminated after harvest and a new stand is planted using new corms 收獲后所有的植株都要清除以便種植新的球莖。

Research actuality of corm leaf vegetable harvester and its developing countermeasures 結球葉菜收獲機械研究現狀及發展對策

Study on tissue culture of saffron corms 西紅花球莖組織培養的研究

Nursery stock - specification for bulbs , corms and tubers 苗圃.第9部分:鱗莖球莖和塊莖規范

Technical rules for konjac seed corm propagation 魔芋種芋繁育技術規程