
corkscrew n.(拔瓶塞的)螺絲錐;【航空】螺旋飛行。adj.螺旋形...


Uthwaite down in the valley , with all the steel threads of the railways to sheffield drawn through it , and the coal - mines and the steel - works sending up smoke and glare from long tubes , and the pathetic little corkscrew spire of the church , that is going to tumble down , still pricking the fumes , always affected connie strangely . it was an old market - town , centre of the dales 阿斯魏是在那山谷的下面,到雪非爾德的所有的鐵道線都打這兒穿過,那些長煙囪里冒著煙和閃光的煤礦場和鋼鐵廠,那教堂上的螺鉆似的凄慘的小鐘樓,雖然就要倒塌了,但是依舊還矗立在煙霧中,這樣的阿斯魏,常常總使康妮覺得奇怪地感動。

The pattern on the hologram can project hundreds or thousands of beams that can be moved forward , back , sideways , up or down or can twist the light in a corkscrew trajectory that creates a vortex 雷射全像術的圖案可以投射出成千上百道光束,并且能夠讓光束前后左右上下任意移動,甚至扭曲成螺旋形軌跡,制造出漩渦。

“ we believe 2003 yn107 is one of a whole population of near - earth asteroids that don ' t just fly by earth . they pause and corkscrew in our vicinity for years before moving along . “我們認為2003yn107是那些沒有僅僅從地球身邊飛過的近地小行星中的一員。在繼續前進之前它們暫時留了下來在我們附近盤旋了幾年。 ”

It won ' t be gone forever . in about 60 years 2003 yn107 will lap earth again , resuming its role as a temporary , corkscrewing moonlet . in due course , other coorbitals will do the same 它不會永遠離去。在大約60年后2003yn107會再次纏上地球,繼續它的臨時角色? ?螺旋運行的小衛星。其它的“同軌星”也會這么做。

Gardeners were encouraged to submit anything “ from two legged carrots to corkscrew runner beans , which often taste great but are rejected because of their looks ” 園丁們被鼓勵提交從兩腿形狀的胡蘿卜到螺旋狀菜豆等各種奇形怪狀的蔬菜,這些蔬菜往往味美,但因其外觀而被拒。

Product information bag clips , baking cups , baking gadgets , barbecue tools , corkscrews , kitchen tools & gadgets , refrigerator magnets , spoons , timers 主營產品:主要經營烘焙杯,烘焙小器具,燒烤用具,開塞鉆,廚房用具,冰箱磁鐵,勺子和定時器

Ching wah metal ware fty . ltd . - provides hand tool , stationery set , golf gift item , corkscrew , auto tools , out - door tools 泓佳實業有限公司-產品包括文具、手袋、塑膠、電壓及五金等禮贈品,主要出口日本市場。

Description - encased in a pink glass dome , the 5 - acre indoor theme park showcases the canyon blaster , a double - loop , double - corkscrew roller 簡介: 5英畝的室內大型主題公園,展出仿真的恐,最少要兩小時。

Veribest boot blacking . uwantit combined pocket twoblade penknife with corkscrew , nailfile and pipecleaner 你要85牌與螺絲錐指甲挫和煙斗通條合并在一起的雙刃折疊小刀。

Presently the honoured parent appeared to be adjusting some instrument like a great corkscrew 緊接著那可敬的父親似乎在調整一個巨大的拔塞鉆一樣的東西。

Corkscrew set gas corkscrew 氣體開瓶器

Look at that , a corkscrew 看,旋轉降落!

Look at that . corkscrew . cool 瞧這個,螺絲錐太好了

Corkscrew tail ? ? a tail that spirals 形容犬的尾巴呈螺旋形。

A corkscrew is a very useful gadget for opening bottles of wine 瓶塞鉆是很好用的開酒瓶工具。