
corker n.1.塞瓶工人;塞瓶機[器]。2.〔美俚〕定論,定局。...


In the senate , vice president dick cheney , in his constitutional role as president of the chamber , swore in the members , including 10 new senators , only one a republican , bob corker of tennessee 參議院方面,副總統迪克切尼用自己參議院主席的身份在議員面前宣誓,這其中有10名新參議員,只有鮑伯一人來自共和黨。

He ' s a corker of an athlete 他是一位了不起的運動員。

The last play of the game was a corker 最后的一場比賽是決勝賽。

That show was a corker ! 那場演出真好!

That show was a corker ! 那場演出十分動人!