
corium n.(pl. -ria )1.【解剖學】真皮。2.革片;...


The main products of the corporation include leather aero case , briefcase , trunk , apparatus case , vanity , wallet , business card bag , key bag , castes , gloves , corium notepad , travel bag , computer bag , schoolbag , leather packet , all kinds of top - grade and middle class leather things , oxford things , remembrance , sales promotion product and so on 公司主要產品有各種款式的航空箱、公文箱(包) 、行李箱、儀器箱(套) 、手袋、名片夾、錢夾、鑰匙包、皮帶、記事薄、電腦包、書包、寵物袋、西服袋等中高檔皮具,并可按照客戶要求設計或來樣生產。

It has been 10 years when jiangying city xinchen clothing trade mark factory and it ‘ ‘ s correlated enterprise jiangying city yongchen clothing co . , ltd . are set up in 1992 , within that 10 years , we has been getting big progress with quality ‘ , today , at the area of jiangsu , zhejiang and shanghai , we are one of the best quality and largest scale enterprises . now , our enterprise is engaged in producing special trade labels and decorations labels . such as corium label , reflectve light label , pu skin color changing label , pvc label , plastics comples label , drop plastics label etc . . they are widely used for clothing , trunk and package , shoes and hat , gloves etc . , getting good economy for many guests 江陰市新成服飾商標廠及其相關企業江陰市永成服飾有限公司自一九九二年創辦至今已整十年了,十年中我們本著“以品種求發展,以質量求生存的企業理念,不斷進取.如今本企業專門從事生產真皮商標、反光標、 pu變色皮標、 pvc標、塑料復合標、滴塑標等特種商標、標飾,被廣泛應用于服裝、箱包、鞋帽、手套等各類產品之上,為廣大客戶取得了良好的經濟效益。

Mps is stored in connective tissue cells , fibers , and the ground sub - stance of corium and subcutis , where , over longer periods of time , it reaches concentrations which must be considered biologically active Mps (多磺酸粘多糖)儲存于結締組織細胞、纖維組織以及真皮和皮下組織基質,并在經過更長一段時間后在該處達到具有生物活性的濃度。

It is all about roger federer , rafael nadal and guillermo coria , with a soup ? on of talk about richard gasquet , the french teenager 法網的焦點似乎全在費德勒,納達爾,科里亞以及法國新貴加斯奎特身上。

He will now play agustin calleri , who won a 6 - 4 , 6 - 7 ( 5 ) , 7 - 6 ( 2 ) thriller over no . 4 seed guillermo coria 納達爾下論的對手是卡萊里.卡萊里以6 - 46 - 77 - 6擊敗了4號種子科里亞

Adjustable lens allow us to see the pigment in the corium and the skin aging problem 可調節看到皮膚真皮層色素的沉積部位,檢測皮膚的老化程度等。

It is a member of china leather industry association and the corium mark using owner 縣重點出口創匯企業,是中國皮革工業協會會員單位。

Experiment on the safety of compound granules of radix astragali and corium stomachium galli 雞內金復方顆粒劑應用的安全性實驗

A second-degree burn involves all of the epidermis and much of the corium . 二度燒傷傷及全部表皮和大部分真皮。