
corinthian adj.1.科林斯(人)的;【建筑】(古希臘)科林斯(式...

corinthian order

So back in i corinthians 13 : 4 - 7 , paul proceeds to provide the corinthian believers with an understanding of agape love 現在我們再回到哥林多前書13 : 4 - 7 ,保羅教導哥林多的信徒從認識神的愛中得到收獲。

“ carlitos feels well at corinthians and wants to help the team get out of the position they find themselves in in the championship . 特維斯在科林第安待的不錯,她想幫球隊走出在聯賽中陷入的困境。

In december 2004 , tevez moved to corinthians in a $ 22 . 6million deal - the biggest ever in south american football 2004年12月,特維斯以2260萬美元的價格進入克林蒂安,這是南美足壇創紀錄的轉會費。

The agent of corinthians ace carlos tevez says the argie is close to winning a move to the premiership 這位科林西安隊隊長特維茲的經濟人已經對外宣稱這位阿根廷球星已經接近贏得登陸英超的轉會機會

2 corinthians 5 : 17 “ therefore , if anyone is in christ , he is a new creation ; the old has gone , the new has come 格林多后書5 : 17 “若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。 ”

Manchester united target carlos tevez has revealed he wants to quit brazilian club corinthians for a move to europe 曼聯的追逐對象特維斯日前透露他想離開巴西的科林西安俱樂部前往歐洲發展。

2 corinthians 5 : 17 - therefore , if anyone is in christ , he is a new creation ; the old has gone , the new has come 哥林多后書5 : 17 -若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,舊事已過都變成新的了。

Our readings are taking us through 1 corinthians at the moment and have brought us to the section which runs from chapter 8 ? 11 我們最近正好讀到哥林多前書,并且也已經讀過了8 11章。

The 30 - year - old midfielder presently plays for corinthians and was part of the 2006 world cup sele & ccedil ; ao 這位30歲的中場現在在為科林蒂安效力,他是桑巴軍團參加2006年世界杯的一員。

Paul in his writings refers to this incident on two occasions ( 2 corinthians 11 : 2 - 3 ; 1 timothy 2 : 14 ) 保羅在他的書信中兩次提到此事(哥林多后書11 : 2 - 3 ,提摩太前書2 : 14 ) 。

However , the hammers have struck a deal with media sports investments ( msi ) - who own the rights to the corinthians pair 然而,卻是鐵錘幫與科林蒂安的擁有者msi簽了協議。

1 corinthians 3 : 16 “ don ' t you know that you yourselves are god ' s temple and that god ' s spirit lives in you 哥林多前書3 : 16 “豈不知你們是神的殿,神的靈住在你們里頭嗎? ”

They tried to deter the corinthians , but were drawn into a sea battle , which infuriated the corinthians 他們試圖阻止科林斯人,卻被拖入了一場海戰,這使科林斯人勃然大怒。

I m here to help ! “ read these words again from i corinthians 13 . paul is not just philosophical 你再看這幾句話一次去細聽這幾句話吧保羅不是哲學家,他是非常實際的人。

Corinthians 7 : 10 - 11 paul teaches the same thing as jesus . christians cannot divorce each other 保羅在林前7 ? 10 - 11所教導的?與耶穌的教導完全符合。基督徒不可彼此離婚。

Those ancient and noble words to the corinthians are strictly true at this present hour 這些對哥林多人說的古老而高貴的格言,現在也還是極其正確呢。 ”

I corinthians 13 : 8 it is possible to live beyond the possibility of personal failure 哥林多前書十三章八節。我們可以活得很個人化,而且不可能失敗。

“ god hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise ” ( i corinthians 1 : 27 ) “上帝選擇世界上愚蠢的事來迷惑智者” ( i哥林多書1 : 27 ) 。

10 how does verse 9 - 13 relates to verse 1 - 8 ? what was the general message to the corinthians 13節與1 - 8節有什麼關系,給哥林多教會什麼訊息