
corinth n.科[考]林斯〔希臘南部港口城市,《新約》中譯本作哥林...


The athenians did not wish to break the thirty - year truce , but they were afraid that if corinth , which was close to the spartans , defeated corcyra and took control of its large fleet , it would tip the balance of power against them 雅典人不愿打破30年休戰協定,但他們又害怕,如果靠近斯巴達人的科林斯打敗了科西拉,控制了它的龐大的艦隊,就會使得勢力均衡朝著不利于他們的方向傾斜。

It decreed a trade embargo on neighbouring megara , but the ensuing 27 - year struggle left the athenians humiliated and megara ' s ally , corinth , triumphant 當年,雅典決定對其鄰邦麥哥拉實施貿易制裁,但是27年接踵而至的對抗留給雅典的卻是自己的屈辱和來自對手盟友柯林斯的歡呼。

Two or three years after leaving the church he had started in corinth , paul heard disturbing reports : strife and division were seriously threatening the young church 哥林多教會是保羅親手所建,在那之后兩三年他收到了這樣的報告:內部的斗爭和分裂嚴重的威脅年輕教會的成長。

“ unto the church of god which is at corinth , to them that are sanctified in christ jesus , called to be saints ” ( i cor . i . 2 ) 在隱密處與神相交是何等的權利。請用以上這些話來禱告,并且在神面前等候,讓圣靈在我們心里作工,使我們漸漸認識關于神圣潔的事。

Rio - antirio bridge : with four towers , the bridge with the longest cable - stayed suspended deck , spanning the gulf of corinth near 帕 特 雷 , 希臘 天空之橋:位于加拿大,是世界上最長的鐵路專用橋,橫跨弗雷塞河,它將新西敏市和素里市連接起來。

16 [ bbe ] and by way of corinth to go into macedonia , and from there to come back again to you , so that you might send me on my way to judaea 也要從你們那里經過、往馬其頓去、再從馬其頓回到你們那里、叫你們給我送行往猶太去。

And by way of corinth to go into macedonia , and from there to come back again to you , so that you might send me on my way to judaea 16也要從你們那里經過、往馬其頓去、再從馬其頓回到你們那里、叫你們給我送行往猶太去。

Today we begin our tour of classical greece . crossing the spectacular corinth canal , then visit ancient corinth , where st . paul preached 哥林多運河亦是工程上的奇跡,兩岸峭壁筆直下削,非常壯觀。

In this book paul discusses the joys , sorrows , ambitions , frustrations and assurances he has for the believers at corinth 保羅討論了喜樂、悲傷、野心、猶豫以及他為哥林多信徒提供的擔保。

2 cor . 1 : 23 but i call on god as a witness against my soul that to spare you i have not yet come to corinth 林后一23我呼求神給我作見證,我還未往哥林多去,是為要寬容你們。

Athens now feared that corinth would cause problems in potidaea , which indeed did revolt against athens 現在,雅典擔憂科林斯會在真正起義反抗雅典的波提狄亞挑起事端。

Moreover i call god for a record upon my soul , that to spare you i came not as yet unto corinth 23我呼吁神給我的心作見證,我沒有往哥林多去,是為要寬容你們。

23 i call god as my witness that it was in order to spare you that i did not return to corinth 23我呼吁神給我的心作見證,我沒有往哥林多去是為要寬容你們。

But i call on god as a witness against my soul that to spare you i have not yet come to corinth 23我呼求神給我作見證,我還未往哥林多去,是為要寬容你們。

But i call god as witness to my soul , that to spare you i did not come again to corinth 林后1 : 23我呼吁神給我的心作見證、我沒有往哥林多去是為要寬容你們。

But god is my witness that it was in pity for you that i did not come to corinth at that time 23我呼吁神給我的心作見證、我沒有往哥林多去是為要寬容你們。

[ bbe ] after these things , he went away from athens , and came to corinth 這事以后、保羅離了雅典、來到哥林多。

After these things , he went away from athens , and came to corinth 這事以后、保羅離了雅典、來到哥林多。

[ niv ] paul stayed on in corinth for some time 18 [和合]保羅又住了多日,就辭別了31弟兄,坐船往敘利亞去。