
coriander n.【植物;植物學】芫荽,胡荽,香菜;芫荽〔胡荽〕子。


To add flavour , use herbs or spices such as ginger , spring onion , garlic or dried tangerine peel , etc . , ( western herbs like parsley , coriander , pepper , etc . , ) to season foods instead of preserved or pickled food and seasonings such as salted fish , salted eggs , miso , oyster sauce , etc . , ( western food or seasonings like sausages , stock cubes , salt at table , etc . , ) 處理方法:要增加食物的味道,可選用天然調味料如姜、 ? 、蒜、果皮等,以代替腌制食物或調味料,例如咸魚、咸蛋、面豉、蠔油等。

Bring some vegetable stock to the boil , drop in the sliced turnip and boil for a while , remove to a soup boil . boil vegetable stock , add salt , pepper and msg , skim , pour over the turnips , sprinkle on coriander leaves 用蔥末嗆鍋,下豆瓣炒出紅油加料酒素湯鹽白糖燒來,再投全部原料,燒開后用小火煨10分鐘,改中火收汁,至汁盡油清時裝盤即成。

Use herbs or spices such as ginger , spring onion , garlic or dried tangerine peel , etc . , ( western herbs like parsley , coriander , pepper , etc . , ) as seasonings , or garnish food with carrot or corn to make dishes more attractive 選用天然調味料如姜、 ? 、蒜、果皮等及不同顏色的食物配料如粟米、甘筍等來增加?菜的色香味。

Oil of coriander . determination of linalol content . oils of bergamot , lavander and lavandin . determination of linalol and linalyl acetate content . gas chromatographics methods on packed and capillary columns 芫荽油精.芫荽醇含量的測定.香檸檬熏衣草和雜熏衣草油.芫荽醇和乙酸香醇酯含量的測定.填充柱和毛細柱氣相色譜法

Wash and dry the swallow nest , scald in clear stock , then take out , put in a bowl and decorate with ham strips and coriander . place the pigeon eggs round the swallow nest 再把燕窩控凈,下清湯內焯后,撈出,放碗內,上面擺上火腿絲,香菜,再把柳葉鴿蛋擺在燕菜周圍;

Coriander . also called cilantro , and often used in mexican cuisine , coriander is rich in protective phytochemicals and is a good source of iron , magnesium and manganese 芫荽:亦稱芫荽葉,常用于墨西哥烹飪。芫荽富含防護性的植物化學物質,是很好的鐵、鎂和錳的來源。

Wash and dry the swallow nest , scald in clear stock , then take out , put in a bowl and decorate with ham strips and coriander . place the pigeon eggs round the swallow nest 再把燕窩控凈,下清湯內焯后,撈出,放碗內,上面擺上火腿絲,香菜,再把柳葉鴿蛋擺在燕菜周圍

Break the pigeon eggs into 12 separate oiled spoons , place some ham and coriander on the two ends of each spoon , steam till well - done , these are the willow leaf pigeon eggs 取12個抹油羹匙分別打入鴿蛋,兩頭擺上火腿和香菜葉,上籠蒸熟,即成柳葉鴿蛋;

Break the pigeon eggs into 12 separate oiled spoons , place some ham and coriander on the two ends of each spoon , steam till well - done , these are the willow leaf pigeon eggs 取12個抹油羹匙分別打入鴿蛋,兩頭擺上火腿和香菜葉,上籠蒸熟,即成柳葉鴿蛋

Ingredients : 1 box soft tofu , 200g seasoned & minced dace , 1 chinese coriander , 1 tbsp cornstarch , 1 egg , some frozen mixed vegetables ( optional ) 材料:蒸煮滑豆腐1盒、已調味鯪魚肉200克、芫茜1棵、粟粉1湯匙、蛋1只、三色雜菜粒適量(隨意) 。

Self - described as the “ world ' s most peculiar gin “ , this spirit is made from an infusion of juniper , coriander , citrus , rose petals and cucumber 自詡為世界上最獨特的金酒,它采用了杜松子、芫荽、柑橘、玫瑰花和黃瓜配方,它叫什么名字?

Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty of lime juice , lemon grass , or coriander 大多數的菜肴都是用新鮮的材料烹調而成,常佐以大蒜或拌有大量酸橙汁、檸檬草或芫荽等。

And the house of israel called the name thereof manna : and it was like coriander seed , white ; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey 31這食物,以色列家叫嗎哪,樣子像芫荽子,顏色是白的,滋味如同攙蜜的薄餅。

Scald the meat slices in the bowl till they become white , scald the greens , drop in the rice noodles , sprinkle on minced scallion and coriander 食時先將肉片燙至白色,下綠菜稍燙,再下米線,撒少許蔥花、香菜即成。

Scald the meat slices in the bowl till they become white , scald the greens , drop in the rice noodles , sprinkle on minced scallion and coriander 食時先將肉片燙至白色,下綠菜稍燙,再下米線,撒少許蔥花香菜即成。

Drop in the fish slices , bamboo shoot slices , black fungus , green soya beans , coriander and seasoning , thicken , sprinkle with pepper 再放入烏花玉蘭片木耳青豆香菜及調料勾芡,裝盤后撒上胡椒粉即成。

The house of israel named it manna , and it was like coriander seed , white , and its taste was like wafers with honey 出16 : 31這食物、以色列家叫嗎哪樣子像芫荽子、顏色是白的、滋味如同攙蜜的薄餅。

Mix minced beef with salt till sticky . add chopped tangerine peel , water chestnuts , preserved mustard and coriander . mix well 免治牛肉混入幼鹽拌至黏手,加入陳皮碎、馬蹄碎、頭菜碎、芫荽碎拌勻。

The perfumes were scented with extracts of lavender , bay , rosemary , pine or coriander and kept in tiny translucent alabaster bottles 這些香水已有4000年歷史,被密封在半透明的雪花石膏小瓶子里。