
coriaceous adj.皮革制的;皮革一樣(牢)的。


In comparison with impact force dominated conventional pulverizing equipment , pan - mill is especially effective for the pulverization of polymer materials . experimental results show that not only commodity polymers such as polystyrene and polypropylene but also coriaceous engineerin g plastics such as pa6 can be effectively pulverized by pan - mill 磨盤形力化學反應器對聚合物材料的粉碎具有獨特的優勢,研究結果表明,常溫操作條件下,磨盤形力化學反應器不但可以有效粉碎通用聚合物材料,如聚丙烯,也可以粉碎強韌性工程塑料尼龍6 。

Grow grain , say to expand again grain , as a result of , be adrenal had secreted fill , of human body adrenal coriaceous can secrete a kind of candy coriaceous hormone , this hormone can decompose the bounce fibrin in the skin carbohydrate character , make stretch fiber produces denaturation ; in the meantime , return the hyperplasia that can restrain fiber mother cell , bring about skin flexibility thereby fiber happening ruptures 生長紋,又稱膨脹紋,是由于腎上腺分泌過盛,人體的腎上腺皮質能分泌一種糖皮質激素,此激素能將皮膚中的彈力纖維蛋白質分解成糖類,使彈性纖維發生變性;同時,還能抑制纖維母細胞的增生,從而導致皮膚彈性纖維發生斷裂。

Camellia granthamiana ) is a type of tree , its leave alternate , elliptical , coriaceous , margin with small blunt teeth . upper leaf surface is shining darkgreen , lower is paler and with veins protruding and clearly marked 大苞山茶是一種常綠喬木,葉互生,橢圓形,具革質,葉面光亮深綠色,葉背色淡,有清晰葉脈琥凸出,而葉緣具細小的純齒。

Camellia granthamiana is a type of tree , its leave alternate , elliptical , coriaceous , margin with small blunt teeth . upper leaf surface is shining darkgreen , lower is paler and with veins protruding and clearly marked 大苞山茶是一種常綠喬木,葉互生,橢圓形,具革質,葉面光亮深綠色,葉背色淡,有清晰葉脈琥凸出,而葉緣具細小的純。

Rubber v - ribbed belt has the advantages of both v - belt and flat belt : being flexible and coriaceous as flat belts , being compact and of high efficiency as v - belt . it has the flo wing main features 橡膠多楔帶兼有v帶和平帶二者的優點,既有平帶的柔軟強韌的特點,又有v帶緊湊高效等優點它的主要特點如下:

Stainless steel marterial and black light crystal board reflect bright ray each other , especially coriaceous handle , show exalted and uncommon taste with last modern style 不銹鋼材質與黑色亮光水晶板相互輝映,亦真亦幻,皮質拉手更為彰顯后現代風格中的尊貴非凡品位。

Ask everybody to tell me , is the adrenocorticotro coriaceous alcohol ? 請大家告訴我,促腎上腺皮質激素是不是就是皮質醇? ?