
corgi n.1.(威爾斯產腳短身長的)狗。2.〔俚語〕微型汽車。


When it comes to tales of the quirky or eccentric , little beats the royal family - as writer thomas blaikie discovered while researching “ corgi and bess : more wit and wisdom from the house of windsor . 作家托馬斯布賴基在研究考杰和貝絲:溫莎王朝的機智風趣的時候發現,皇室的離奇怪癖故事比一般人家都多。

It wasn ' t long before everyone wanted a james bond vehicle - those who couldn ' t afford out for the life - sized version could shell out for a corgi model for the mantlepiece 許多人都夢想擁有詹姆斯?邦德駕駛的汽車。現在,那些沒錢買到實物大小的邦德汽車的人不妨購買邦德汽車的模型。

Uk site for news , information and photographs of the fascinating and colourful diecast model hong kong buses produced by corgi , efe , collector s model , and abc models -專業無限制模型軌道車站點,提供四驅車三輪車改裝與比賽的全方位資訊,并設有軌道車論壇及網上商城

After the screening we went to have dinner at my son ' s house . elinor the corgi behaved with great propriety , while mr toshio suzuki did headstands on the lawn 在放映會后我們到我兒子的家共進晚餐。威爾斯產的小狗elinor表現的非常適當,而鈴木敏夫先生則在草坪上倒立。

The daughter of lord henshingly croft , lara was brought up in the secure world of aristocracy surrounded by tennis , butlers and corgis 作為henshingly croft勛爵的女兒,勞拉在無憂無慮的貴族家庭中被扶養長大,生活在網球管家以及威爾士矮腳狗的包圍之中。

Her aunty s corgi which has bitten her on several occasions - about which , for once , there is little she can do 她阿姨家的威爾士矮腳狗曾多次咬她,對此,她一度一籌莫展,無能為力。

A corgi luck s diary 小樂的成長日記

Shoot 2 - corgi turn over again ? 再來一次

This depicts a pembroke welsh corgi with heavy but acceptable white markings 它有太多的白色斑紋但還可以接受。