
corer n.(水果的)去心器;巖心鉆取器。


Although the road from the research and development stage to making concrete contributions to the community is a long one , polyu has garnered substantial and invaluable experience and achievements in the areas of advancing technological innovation , serving the community with our research deliverables as well as commercializing our research output . while our well - known space tools space holiner forceps and mars rock corer have already made their mark in different parts of the world , we have also made use of our research deliverables to serve those in need . earlier this year , local newspapers have given significant coverage to the case of a quadriplegic patient who had lost his will to live and appealed to legislative councillors for the legalization of euthanasia . fortunately , as soon as this incident went to the press and was brought to the attention of our rehabilitation engineering experts , our colleagues were more than willing to offer a helping hand with their professional expertise 雖然由科技發展到對社會作出實質貢獻是一條漫長的道路,但香港理工大學在推動創新科技、用科研成果服務社會和產業化等方面,已取得了一些寶貴的經驗和成就。除了廣為人知的太空儀器太空鉗和巖芯取樣器的開發,我們也利用科技成果幫助社會上有需要的人士。例如今年年初,報章大篇幅報導了一位四肢癱瘓的長期病患者因為意志消沉,曾去信立法會議員請求將安樂死合法化,以便他能了斷自己的生命。

In order to satisfy the need of market , the company focuses on innovation , introduces automatic flushing machine , automatic conveyor , automatic corer , automatic juice extractor and some other sophisticated equipments of china , and combines biocatalysis technique with traditional winery techniques to enlarge the production 公司已通過iso9001質量管理體系認證和qs認證。公司擁有一批專業技術人才,先進的生產設備和完善的檢測設施,與福建省輕工業研究所等單位建立長期技術協作關系。

The beagle 2 lander of mars express is equipped with a hong kong designed and produced space tool - the mars rock corer for retrieval of samples from inside of rocks 火星快車上的獵犬2號登陸器,載有由香港科研人員研制的巖芯取樣器,負責探取火星土質樣本。

Ll : this doohickey is one of the greatest inventions of all time . it is an apple corer , peeler and slicer 這玩藝兒既能削皮,挖掉蘋果的核還能把蘋果切成片,有這么多功能呀。怪不得你說它是最偉大的發明之一。

Mars rock corer 巖芯取樣器

Shock - piston type corer 振動活塞式取樣管

Gravity - piston type corer 重力活塞式取樣管

Triple tube rigid type rotary corer 三重管雙動回轉取土器

Triple tube swivel type rotary corer 三重管單動回轉取土器