
coreopsis n.1.【植物;植物學】金雞菊屬植物;〔C-〕金雞菊屬。...


For example , many flowers form south america such as four - seasons begonia , fuchsia , scarlet sage , crab cactus zygocactus truncactus , and flowers from central america such as variable dahlia , coreopsis , tuberose and red orchid catus have all grown very well in many areas of the province 進出口貨物的收發貨人準備好上述單證后,到昆明市北京路618號海關報關大廳委托有關報關公司將報關單申報的數據錄入電子計算機后,才可以向海關正式遞交進出口貨物報關單。

Near the b & b is the charming flower field . the flower festival is about to start ( november , 17th ) . the brightly - colored coreopsis can ' t wait 民宿附近就是迷人的花海區,最近( 11月17日)花季才正要開始,亮麗的波斯菊已經等不及了喔!

Food additive . coreopsis - yellow 食品添加劑.菊花黃