
corelation n.〔英國〕= correlation.


Association rules mining , as the most important subject in data mining , reveals the corelations between itemsets and therefore can be widely applied to many fields such as market basket analysis , corelation analysis , classification , web - customised service , etc . since 1993 when r . agrawal , r . srikant firstly proposed the concept of association rules , a lot of algorithms have come up in mining of association rules 關聯規則揭示項集間有趣的相聯關系,可廣泛應用于購物籃分析、相關分析、分類、網絡個性化服務等領域,是數據挖掘的重要研究課題。自1993年r . agrawal , r . srikant首次提出該問題以來,已出現了許多關聯規則挖掘算法。

Qualitative analysis , the corelation between sports industry and local economy in mianyang city is quantitatively analyzed according to the grey relationship model which is established on the basis of gathered economic data , the accuracy of qualitative analysis is inspected , therefore , sports industry ' s important role in economic and social development in mianyang area is understood precisely and scientificly 在有了定性分析后,本文根據收集的經濟數據建立灰關聯模型對體育產業和綿陽地區經濟的關聯關系進行了定量分析,檢驗了定性分析的準確性,比較準確科學地了解到綿陽地區體育產業對經濟和社會發展的重要作用。

While motion artifact is caused by non - regular shiver of patient . given enough time delayed , motion artifact signal have poor or even no self - corelation . so do the other sort of interaction noise . thus these two category of signal may be distinguished by there characteristic of self - correlation , and the noise may be eliminated 運動偽差,一般都是由被測對象不自覺地或不受控地抖動引起,因而只要時間足夠長,運動偽差信號在時間上相關性極弱或先后不相關;同樣,其他的高低頻干擾如高頻電刀的干擾亦是如此。

A monte carlo algorithm was presented to model the relation between the scattering phenomenon , depolarization changes and sea water depth , it is discovered that the radius of scattering point and the degree of depolarization increase with increasing of the sea water depth . at last , a optical engineering software ( lighttools ) is introduced to simulate optical scattering in the deep sea water , and studys the corelation between scattering and relative refractive index , particle density and particle size in the sea water . the experiment results show that the intensity of scattering will increase evidently with the increasing of particle size , particle density and relative refractive index . the methods and results in the article provide the basic theory and experiment validation for improving performance of communication , detection and imaging under sea water 本文以球形粒子的mie散射理論、 stokes矢量法以及mueller矩陣來研究海水的散射特性和散射中的退偏振度變化;通過montecarlo方法模擬藍綠激光在海水傳輸過程中的散射現象以及散射中的退偏度變化與海水深度的關系,發現隨著海水深度的增加,散射后的光斑半徑、退偏振度將逐漸增大。最后通過光學工程軟件( lighttools )對海水中的散射進行仿真實驗,研究散射與海水中粒子密度、粒子大小和相對折射率的關系。實驗結果表明,隨著粒子半徑、粒子密度和相對折射率的增加,散射的強度將顯著增加。

It can realizes historical data repeat , time field analysis , spectrum analysis , time delay field analysis , axis orbit analysis , digital filter , corelation analysis , holographic spectrum analysis , demodulation analysis , fft delicate analysis and so on 能實現歷史數據回放分析、時域分析、頻域分析、時延域分析、軸心軌跡分析、數字濾波、相關分析、全息譜分析、解調分析及fft細化分析等功能。

( 3 ) the dissertation designs the hardware diagrams of corelation matrix module and spectrum peak finding module . accroding to the hardware diagrams , the dissertation codes by vhdl and do function simulation and timing simulation ( 4 )本文對music算法的各模塊進行了互連調試工作。當采用了altera公司cyclone系列的fpga實現music算法時,單次運算時間在20us以內。

By digesting the fluctuations of heart rate of drivers through partial corelation analysis , this paper accomplishs a model characterizing the correlation between horizontal ( vertical ) alignment and psychological , physiological index 3 )從心生理學理論分析出用心率來表達心生理反應的生理學基礎,以及駕駛員行車時心生理變化與心率快慢的關系。

This article discussed the corelation between language , culture and college english teaching , and discussed probable approaches and strategies on culture learning in college english teaching 論述語言、文化及大學英語教學三者之間的關系,對如何加強大學英語教學中的文化學習提出了方法與策略。

Statistical analysis of results shows no corelation between diabetes and protozoa , but nevertheless , a significant relation has been found between the diabetes and the yeasts 對研究結果進行了統計分析,證明糖尿病與原蟲無關,可是與酵母的關系卻很密切。

The design proposal and corelation technique for developing the deposit database management system ( ddms ) based on volume visualization technique were diseussed 摘要討論了基于體視化技術的礦床數據庫管理信息系統的設計思想及實現技術。

The method describes and evaluates the quality of image through wavelet transform extracting luminance , definition and corelation 該方法通過提取圖象的亮度,清晰度,相似度,尺度失真度等多種指標來綜合評價圖象質量。

The line corelation between cd62p reserve and in vivo residual life ? an of 22 ? stored platelet were analyzed 采用新鮮富含血小板血漿( fprp )為陰性對照,以凝血酶激活fprp為陽性對照效果良好。

A transformer faults diagnosis method based on the grey corelation theory 電力變壓器常見故障分析與檢修

Corelation study of blood se and pb in infancies of dalian 大連市幼兒血硒與血鉛含量相關性研究