
corea adj.,n.= Korea(n).


Require for the orientation market in recent years , my company extends the production scale continuously , having become the color cosmetic finished product that have the equal real strenght process the business enterprise , the customer have spread all over europe , america , japan , corea middle east , taiwan etc . also is the cooperation with much more local famous cosmetic company colleague . the product standard matches the united states fda , the european ec and original to living the province with japan , the technique request of the hygiene section of korea 近年來為適應市場需求,我公司不斷擴大生產規模,現已成為有相當實力的彩妝成品加工企業,客戶已經遍及歐美韓日中東獨聯體等國家和地區,同時也是國內多家知名品牌彩妝企業的合作伙伴。產品標準分別符合美國fda ,歐洲ec和日本原生省,韓國衛生部門的技術要求。

The study of 3d game engine system in our country is behind corea and japan 相對韓國、日本等國家來說,我們對三維游戲引擎系統的研究比較滯后。