
core CORE =Congress of Racial Equ...

core city

The core of the gas flow can be considered to be remote from viscous or heat transfer effects . 氣流的中心部份可以認為是與粘性或傳熱效應關系不大。

His integrity and his analytical brilliance in cutting to the core of a problem were awesome . 他為人正直,他分析問題抓住要害的才能令人肅然起敬。

He has assembled a strong core of supporters both in the politburo and in the secretariat . 他已在政治局及書記處內組成了一個支持者的堅強的核心。

To take samples that retain the larger structure of the sediment, a core sampler is used . 為了保持樣品沉積物的層次結構,就要用空心鐵管采樣器。

Consider the magnetization of a single core in the absence of an ambient field now . 現在,在研究一下在沒有背景場的情況下,單個磁芯的磁化強度。

The direction of magnetisation will change in core a only, thus storing a binary digit . 磁化方向僅在磁心a中改變,因而存儲一個二進制數字。

It is concerned not merely with the texture of life, but with its innermost core . 它不僅涉及生活的內容,而且涉及生活最深處的核心問題。

Only if we understand them properly will we be able to get to the core of the matter . 只有對它們徹底通曉了,我們才能深入事物的核心。

The oldest sediments cored to date are about 150 million years old . 到目前為止取出的最老沉積物的巖心是大約15億年以前的生成。

The question of how to read what is contained in a particular core now arises . 現在的問題是,怎樣讀出某一具體磁芯中所存的數。

These consist of a series of small ferrite cores of maximum diameter 2mm . 這些由一系列最大直徑為2毫米的小鐵氧體磁心組成。

A core was removed from this area so that the crack surfaces could be examined . 從這一區域取樣芯,以便檢驗裂紋表面。

Judge by ordinary standards, the core is made of rather dense stuff . 按一般標準衡量,地核是由相當致密的物質組成的。

The difficulty lies primarily in the fact that the fiber core is relatively small . 困難主要在于纖維芯比較小。

Kunta had been rocked to the core by his encounter with the ghanaian . 同加納人的會見深深地震動了昆塔的心。

The faults were on the surface, the core of our country was sound . 弊端是表面的;我們國家的內核是健全的。

But the european effort was beset by ambivalence at its core . 但是歐洲的這種努力從根本上說是充滿了矛盾。

Adenoviruses are the only enteric viruses that contain a dna core . 腺病毒是唯一含有DNA核心的腸道病毒。

The magnetic cores of transformers and other apparatus are laminated . 把變壓器及其它儀器的磁心分層。