
cordwood n.(堆成128立方英尺出售的)層積柴堆。


The price of the paper was two dollars a year , but he took in three subscriptions for half a dollar apiece on condition of them paying him in advance ; they were going to pay in cordwood and onions as usual , but he said he had just bought the concern and knocked down the price as low as he could afford it , and was going to run it for cash 報費原是兩塊錢一年,他收了三個訂戶,按照他的規定,凡是預付,只收五角錢一年。訂戶原本想按老規矩,用木柴洋蔥頭折現付款。可是他說,他剛盤下這家店,把價錢定得低而又低,無法再低了,所以貸款一律付現。

The june rise used to be always luck for me ; because as soon as that rise begins here comes cordwood floating down , and pieces of log rafts - sometimes a dozen logs together ; so all you have to do is to catch them and sell them to the wood - yards and the sawmill 六月漲水,我往常總會交好運。因為一開始漲水,總有些大塊木料漂下來,還有零散的木筏子有時候會有整打原木捆綁在一起的,你只要攔住,便可以賣給木材場或者鋸木廠。

The film soylent green , starring charlton heston , dramatized a future in which people would be stacked like cordwood and fed little squares that looked like tofu but weren ' t 由卻爾登希斯頓主演的超世紀諜殺案,更將未來描繪成一個人類會被當木材堆放、并被喂以豆腐狀飼料的世界。